Ep. I- To Go Titanic/ The Girl with the Lavender Tattoos

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            She was walking through the streets with her flute case in one hand and a violin case clutched against her chest. She was walking quite fast, partly because of the cold, partly because of the strange things that happened on Christmas. Last year, what they called the Christmas Star had turned out to be a lethal weapon. The year before- she would have been fifteen- an alien spaceship had come crashing out of the sky, nearly taking out Big Ben. So this year, all the shops were closed and all the people were inside their homes, waiting for the seemingly inevitable. Mickayla laughed. People were so paranoid. In her hurry to keep her promise and be home in time for Christmas Eve dinner, she didn't notice the plump lady, and walked right into her, making her drop her many parcels and bags.

            "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!" Mickayla apologized. It was surprising, because the lady was clad in a purple dress with golden stars and moons- not easy to miss.

            "It's quite alright, my dear. And who might you be?" They both bent over to pick up the mess.


            "Well Mickayla, thank you for helping me. You're a very sweet human!"

            The lady gave her a warm and bubbly smile. Mickayla handed her the last bag, and at the moment their hands touched, Mickayla's vision went fuzzy. When it refocused she let out a gasp. She was no longer standing out in the cold, but in a luscious hall with velvet, and crystal chandeliers. All the people, many of whom looked like aliens, were dressed in their Sunday best. One of them had a red complexion and was about three feet tall, with spikes on his head. Some of them looked human enough though, like one man, to her left, who was furiously yelling that he "had been in mid-sentence."

             She walked out and into what was apparently the dining hall. She sat at a vacant table by the window. The window. She did a double take and saw that it wasn't the moon- it was the earth! I'm in space, I'm in space! Oh, my mum's going to kill me- she stopped and smiled, the panic subsiding. This was a dream. She had fallen asleep in the auditorium while practicing. Wouldn't be the first time. Although her mother would probably still have her out... oh well. Nice dream. Suddenly, a frazzled looking lady, young with blonde hair and likely a waitress, came running up to her.

            "Thank goodness! You must be the entertainment. We've been looking everywhere for you! Well, what are you waiting for? Get out there!" The blond girl grabbed her arm and dragged her to the center of the room, clearly set apart performers.

            "Oh, I'm not-" Mickayla began to protest, but the waitress was already gone.

            Mickayla sighed. She placed her violin case on the floor, flipped open the clasps, gently lifting out the delicate instrument and bow. Placing it under her chin, she started with White Christmas. She finished, a few individuals applauded, and she jumped into Jingle Bell Rock. Some people tossed coins into her case, which she had deliberately left open; the plump lady, the blond waitress, and a man in a tuxedo with brown hair and eyes and a broad smile. He flipped a coin and lingered a moment.

            "You're quite good."

            "Thanks." She mumbled, focused on her music. Also, she got shy around strangers.

            "What's your name?"

            "Mickey- uh- Mickayla." She stammered. People always just called her Mickey.

            "Nice to meet ya Mickey! Merry Christmas!"

            And with a wink and a boyish grin, he swaggered off. He was quite fetching, really, and her eyes trailed after him. She blushed, trying to push him out of her head, but she kept smiling. That hair, though... and she switched to It Came Upon A Midnight Clear. This time she sang along. It took concentration to sing while playing the violin.

The Girl with the Lavender Tattoos. Season 1Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu