Ep. 4- The Perfect Planet

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           "Hey, Doctor, what time is it?"  She watched him as he looked at his ornate pocket watch.

           "6:29 p.m.  Didn't you change your watch?"

           "No."  She shrugged.

           "Why not?"

           "I may be travelling with you, but I still like to keep tabs on my family.  For example, my parents would have had breakfast at Michelle's cafe this morning."  She said simply, not afraid of being labelled a sentimental.  Especially by the Doctor, who didn't seem to have a sentimental bone in his body- Mickayla would have to fix that.

            "Oh!"  The Doctor exclaimed, snapping his fingers and remembering as he rummaged through the pockets of his red, velvet suit jacket, "That reminds me... "  He revealed a silvery object and Mickayla could barely stop herself from laughing.  It was the watch she had been admiring in the Arashi system- the troublesome watch. She fastened the clasp around her wrist and the Doctor took her hand, sonic-ing the gift.

            "There.  Now it'll tell you the date and time, wherever and whenever you are."  He smiled at her.

            "Thank you."  She smiled back warmly.  Maybe he did have a lighter side, but Mickayla already knew that.  A beeping form the TARDIS's monitor interrupted them.  They looked over to the screen, watching the rotating circles and lines and dots.  The Doctor seemed like he could make it out.

            "I don't understand..."  She said.

            "The TARDIS displays in Gallifreyan.  It looks like a message- it says, 'to our friends, peace go with you'."

            "Who from?"

            "Don't know.  Doesn't say.  It just looks like a general broadcast for all the passers-by.  A billboard.  But, I think I can trace it-"  He fiddled with dials and buttons until the TARDIS gave another beep and displayed a sting of numbers on the monitor, "-aha!"  The Doctor switched the controls and pulled the lever as they were tossed about through space.  Then, they landed wherever in space the message had beckoned from.  

            "Whatever's out there must be friendly."  Mickayla said.

            "Friendly was never my style."  The Doctor said with a slight scowl on his long face.

           Together, they stepped out and onto a glorious meadow.  The skies above them were a rosy pink and streaked with silver-laced clouds.  All the grass under their shoes was also a warm pink-orange and the leaves were the purest white Mickayla had ever seen, so much so they seemed to sparkle.  In the distance, rose-colored mountains supported a citadel that glistened in the soft sunlight.  This was a magnificent planet.

           "Hello, friends.  Peace go with you."  

           Two orbs of light approached them and it seemed to Mickayla as if it were tangible.  If she looked really hard at them, she thought she could almost make out a face.  The lights pulsed in time to the the syllables of their words.

            "We are the Jega."  They introduced themselves, "Who are our friends?" 

            "I'm the Doctor- Time Lord.  And this is Mickey.  Human."

            "Hello."  Mickayla waved with just as friendly an air as the Jega.

            "Yes, hello and welcome to out home."  They responded.

            "Yeah, where exactly are we?"  The Doctor asked skeptically, scanning their surroundings as if he could see something Mickayla couldn't.  She wondered how he could glance so critically around such a beautiful place.

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