Ep. 6- Something New- Part 2

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            So, Mickayla Cumber was crashing in the TARDIS, while the Doctor- if that was the Doctor- lay unconscious on the floor.

            "Um... uh..."  She stammered as she fumbled about, stepping up to the control panel.  She had no clue what she was doing, but she assumed that, by this point, she couldn't make things worse.  She tried desperately to remember what the Doctor did.  She flicked a switch, and the tremors eased up.  A bit.  She set the date- wait, was it year-month-day, or day-month-year?  She tried one at random, praying that it worked.  They were probably going to end up on some weird, alien planet, where they greeted each other by pulling their hair, or something...

             "Please, oh please!"  She begged as she gripped the lever with two hands and counted to three.  She pulled down hard and the TARDIS gave a great lurch and started screeching.  Mickayla's mind whirred as she tried to remember what else the Doctor did.

            On a hunch, she reached overhead and pulled another smaller lever, heaving a sigh of relief in the brief moment that the shaking stopped.  But a new shaking started up as they hurtled through space.  Eyes squeezed shut, an image of two little blue switches popped into her head.  Two switches she didn't know, but at this point, she didn't care.  She opened her eyes, and hanging on, threw herself back at the control panel.

            "No, no, no- come on!  They can't be this well hidden!"  By luck or some other force, Mickayla turned around and saw them there, on the panel, situated among the buttons dials.  She flicked them, and almost laughed with joy when it became still.  The TARDIS started wheezing her characteristic wheeze and gave one final shudder.  She ran to the doors and poked her head tentatively outside.  Lo, as she hadn't dared to hope, she was in her backyard.  Her mum was already running out to greet her.

            "Mickey, you're back!"

            Mickayla ran back into the TARDIS to the man on the floor.  He may be thin, but he wasn't exactly light.  She heaved him  up by his under-arms and dragged him to the doors.  By the time she got there, her mother was already waiting.

            "Oh, dear goodness!"  she exclaimed, "Who is he?  The poor boy... we need to get him inside."  Mrs Cumber grabbed hold of his ankles while her daughter minded his head.  Together, they carried him into the house.  Her father was waiting in the kitchen.

            "Mickey!  What are you-"  His bright smile turned into a grim scowl as he looked upon their load, "What's going on?  What happened?"

            Mickayla gave her father a look that said help now, questions later.  He complied, helping them bring him up the stairs and into Mickayla's bedroom. They laid him on her bed and drew the curtains.  Mickayla nabbed a pair of pyjamas from her father, who put them on the unconscious man while the women waited downstairs.  However, Mickayla wasn't going to wait.  If this was the Doctor, then she was going to do everything in her power to help him.

            At this moment, that meant dampening a cloth.  Mickayla stood at the kitchen sink, running a fresh dish cloth under cool water.  She turned sharply as she heard her father slumping down the stairs.  She looked at him with big, hopeful eyes.


            "He's resting.  It seems like he's got a flu, but other than that, he seems all right.  Who is that, anyway."  He said curiously. 

            "I think... I think he's the Doctor." 

            Her father gave her a look of astonishment, and Mickayla left him to ponder it as she went upstairs.

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