Ep. 2- Fur Elise

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            "Okay, where are we?  No, wait, don't tell me.  No actually tell me."  Mickayla stood in the Doctor's time machine with the Doctor himself, babbling excitedly.  This was her first adventure in time- not everyday one got to say that.

            "Alright.  This is the year 1795 in Bonn, Germany."  The Doctor said, obviously trying to contain his smile.  Mickayla's face lit up.

            "No way."  Was the Doctor really taking her here?  Now?  It was almost too good to be true.

            "So, you know who's somewhere out there in that very city right now?" 

            "No way!"  She ran to the doors.  I'm really about the meet him!

           "Hold on!"  She halted just a few feet from the TARDIS doors as the Doctor called to her, "Clothes.  Don't want to start a riot.  This way."  He turned and walked off through one of the corridors that spun off of the control room, motioning for her to follow.

            If she had thought it was big before, she realized just how big it was now.  Hallways and corridors branched off in every direction, and it took a good three minutes to reach the wardrobe section.  Mickayla had never been one to obsess over clothes, but this was impressive.  No, not impressive- stunning.  Level upon levels spiraled up and down, with racks of clothing from all different periods and all different cultures.  The Doctor took her down three levels.

            "Here we are, then.  Late eighteenth century."  He rummaged around all the vintage dresses and blouses, tossing her an under dress, "Ah, this one will do." He held up a pale purple dress- empire waist with beading over the bust and hem, "And you might want these."  Matching shoes, "And, put your hair up."

          He said as he fingered a piece of her dark brown hair.  He left her to change, which she did as quickly as she could before meeting him back in the control room, trying not to get lost along the way.  The Doctor regarded her as she entered.

            "Look at you."  He said, spinning her around, "Shall we?"

            "Oh, we shall!"  Mickayla could hardly contain her excitement.  The Doctor pushed the door open and held it for her.  They stepped out into a classic, German town of the seventeen hundreds, and it took Mickayla's breath away.  Everything looked just as she imagined it would have, like from the paintings in the history books, only this was real- she was in the painting.

            "Who knew my future would hold the past?"  She whispered quietly to herself.

            "Want to go meet the great musician himself?"  The Doctor asked, breaking Mickayla out of her awe-full stupor.

            "Really?  Could we?" 

            "Of course!  This would be no fun otherwise."  The Doctor signaled a coach, stepping out into traffic.

            "Oi!  Watchit, mate!"  The driver of the coach yelled at him.

            "Sorry, sir.  I didn't see you there."  The Doctor lied, and Mickayla giggled a little, "But now that I have you, do you think you could do me and my lady friend a favor?  Would you take us to the estate in the south end?"

            "Oh, you've come to see the composer fellow, haven't you?"

            "Yes, that's us."  Mickayla piped up.

            "Alright, you can get in.  I'll consider it your punishment for getting in my way.  Don't know why you'd fancy paying that boy a visit, anyway.  Full of himself, if you ask me."

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