Ep. 12- Accio TARDIS

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This is not your typical story of the Doctor's epic adventures.  This story contains no evil-minded aliens or last-ditch efforts to save the universe.  This is a day-in-the-life of the Doctor and Mickayla- just another trip in time and space, because they can't all be action packed and life threatening ;).  This story is about having fun, which is what the Doctor and his companions do best. 

~Jordan <3


            The sound of Mickayla's heels clicking against the hard floors echoed off the cold, harshly lit concrete as she and the Doctor ventured through the labyrinth of corridors- a minor detour, he'd told her.

            "This is a strange place for a six-star restaurant."  She remarked, her skepticism obvious.

            "A restaurant in a laboratory?  Don't be ridiculous- that would be terrible for business."

            "Our reservations are for seven..."  Mickayla was beginning to worry for their night-out.

            "We've got a time machine."  The Doctor responded, ignoring her to pursue whatever it was he'd found here that was worthy of jeopardizing their not-date.  She sighed, trying to get her point across, "Hey, I didn't go looking for trouble- the signal just sorta popped up, so I thought the responsible thing to do was to track it; make sure it wasn't, you know, the usual."

            "You promised me a night off."

            "I promised I wouldn't go looking for trouble," he corrected, "but sometimes it runs into me."

            "Look out!"  Mickayla heard someone yell from the next corridor.  Just as the Doctor entered the cross-section of the two, somebody rammed into him and they both fell over onto the cold, hard floor.  It was a girl, tall, with sandy-blonde hair and an eccentric choice of wardrobe.

            "Doctor!"  The newcomer exclaimed.

            "Luma!"  The Doctor regarded her where they lay on the ground, and Mickayla saw his face light up.

            "Wait- do you know her?"  Mickayla asked as they helped each other up.  The Doctor introduced the girl.

            "Mickey, this is trouble."

            "Also the Illuminator."  She stuck out her hand as the Doctor turned to his companion.

            "Luma, this is Mickayla Cumber."

            "Call me Mickey."  She shook her hand.

            "Now that we all know each other, run."  The girl who was called the Illuminator instructed, grabbing the Doctor's hand.  They ran off until they reached a red telephone booth, just like the ones from back home- Mickayla thought that it was strange it should be here, in the middle of a spacey-wacey lab.  Luma revealed a key and unlocked the box, letting them in.  Mickayla gasped.

            "Wait- it's bigger-"

            "Yes, on the inside- and yes, it is a TARDIS.  Type forty-one, to be exact."  She said with a pointed glance at the Doctor.  Mickayla just stared blankly at her, "I'm kinda a Time Lord."  Mickayla gaped even bigger, and the Doctor explained.

            "It's all wibbley-wobbly, but on her timeline, Gallifrey still exists.  It's all sort of jumbled, and she pops up in strange places."

            "Okay, I think I understand."  Mickayla said, nodding slowly, "Is there anything else I should know?"  She was being sarcastic, but yes indeed there was more.

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