Chapter 8

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The 8 of them had dinner in a quaint little restaurant in SoHo. Dino didn't pry too much further about the girl's whereabouts for the last 4 hours but he did seem suspicious. She told him that the 4 of them had been around and she never got his calls since her phone was acting funky. After they finished, they took themselves and their leftovers back to the apartment. Althea took a quick shower and got ready to go to sleep though it was only 10pm. She plopped down on her bed face first. Juggling two lives was quite tiring. "Althea", a voice from her door called. She turned her head slightly to see Luana in her pajamas. "Can I stay with you? Like we did before we got separated", she said coming into the room. Althea smiled and opened her covers. Luana hurried over and climbed into the bed. "Since the invitation is open, I'll just see myself in", Kyna said coming in as well. Althea didn't even hear Tamara come in but soon all 4 of them were stuffed in her bed. Sleep came pretty easily as she was finally surrounded by her family.

Althea woke up the next morning to something soft hitting her back. She turned around to see Luana wacking her with a pillow. "Get up sis! It's 1:30 and we promised we'd go back to the lair." Althea groggily rolled over and out of bed. Luana was already dressed and apparently everyone else was too. "It's about time", Kyna said passing by her door. She was already dressed and was swiping away on her IPad. Althea went into her closet and picked out some clothes. She hurried into them since everyone seemed to be waiting for. She entered the kitchen as she pulling on her sneakers. "So we can only be there for about 2 hours. We have a meeting with the UN today remember", Kyna told the ground. "That's fine with me", Althea answered. The rest of the sisters gave approving nods as they headed for the door. They exited the apartment building and headed down the street. Donnie had given them a precise alleyway to go to. When they reached their destination, the manhole cover was already open. "You guys can jump down", Mikey called from below. Luana went first, then Tamara, then Kyna and Althea lastly. She was expecting to be caught by Mikey but the arms were a bit larger than she expected. She looked up into Raphael's face and he seemed rather annoyed. She could only guess what Mikey had done. "You okay?", she asked. He didn't put her down as he began walking. "Yeah just let Mikey get under my skin", he told her. Just like she thought. "Well since my sister here's he won't be bothering you for a little while", she informed him. "Thank god."

They all found themselves in the same spots from last night. However, Raphael and Althea were now in the second dojo. There was space in the new lair for one so why not? Raphael was in the middle of a workout when they showed up. "I remember the last time I was here", she told him as he did his push up. Raphael stopped for a moment and looked up at her. He knew what she meant by that. "I'm sorry babe", he apologized. "Stuff happens. At least no one got hurt." He continued with his push ups and Althea got a brilliant idea. She got up and sat down on his shell. He didn't slow down or stop as she made herself comfortable in a seated position. She pulled out her phone and began playing a game. "Comfortable?", he asked her. "Very." Suddenly a small explosion from the front stopped both of them. "Guys! You have to come see this!"

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