Chapter 14

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As Althea munched on her pizza, she punched the number Rusty had given her into her phone. She shot off a quick text. 

"You said you could help me find what I'm looking for and I'm interested." 

It had only been a mere few seconds before she got a response. 

"I've been waiting for your text princess. If you really wanna get some answers, meet me down at this warehouse at pier 45."

Anyone with common sense would have known this situation was way too sketchy and too convenient. However, that same danger and thrill is what Althea strived for. She finished off her last slice of pizza and hopped off the stool in the kitchen. Everyone had gone back to their previous activities so no one heard her slip out of the lair and back into the sewers. She made her way back topside through the only man hole that she knew by heart. Once she was out, she slipped into the crowd of people on the street before heading into the subway station. The easiest route for her to take would be the 1 train which had just pulled into the station. She quickly swiped her card through the turnstile and slid onto the train. It was pretty dead for the most part so she took a seat and finally let out the breath she had been holding. 

She checked her phone and saw that no one had messaged her. However her sisters would eventually notice her absence, so she shot off a message to say that she had left to go home. This wasn't a complete lie. She WOULD eventually be going home after she made a stop to pier 45. For all she knows, Rusty could give her a good lead on who killed her parents. 

Her foot tapped impatiently as she waited for the train to keep moving. She just had one more stop to go. There was only 4 other people in the train car that she was in and her attention kept getting drawn to a man that was huddled in the corner. He wasn't looking at anything in particular but his sheer presence sent chills up her spine. As soon as the train came to a halt at her stop, Althea bolted off of the train and up the NW exit. The pier was only a few blocks away and Althea made the executive decision on the train that she was taking an uber home. The streets slowly became less and less populated as she got closer to the pier. She continually checked her phone to make sure she hadn't gotten any new message (and she hadn't). Something in the back of her mind told her to put her phone on silent.

She found the warehouse that Rusty had sent her and tucked her phone into her bra for safe keeping. There was no security in front of the warehouse and one side of the gate was open. Althea gingerly entered into the building and was met with mostly darkness except for one singularly light fixture that flickered every 5 seconds. She had made it only 10 feet into the building when the sound of a light turning on grabbed her attention and suddenly the entire warehouse was illuminated. The warehouse looked like a makeshift gym. There was broken down exercise equipment pieces everywhere and in the dead center was a boxing ring. More and more questions popped into her head as she tried to make sense of everything going on.

"Hey princess you made it!"

Althea practically jumped out of her skin hearing Rusty's voice. He was sitting at a table that was under the one light fixture that she saw when she first entered the warehouse. He also wasn't alone. There, at the table with him was three other people. They all looked to be the same age and they were all wearing the same purple jacket Rusty was wearing when they first met in the alley. Althea made her way over to the table, making sure not to trip on any of the equipment.

"So good of you to join us princess."

Althea cringed at the nickname. The only person that had ever called her princess was Raph and hearing it from someone else was making her uncomfortable. However, she wasn't going to divulge her name just yet so she'd have to bear with the irritation. 

"You said you had answers and I have questions." She said abruptly.

"Well I guess we're skipping the pleasantries." Rusty said peering up at her from behind the cards he was holding. 

He and the rest of his comrades were playing a pretty lax game of poker. He pulled out an empty seat and waved her over. 

"Come sit down princess. I'll tell you everything you want to know."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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