Chapter 11

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It was only 11:30 by the time Althea busted through the door of her new apartment. She made a beeline for her room and promptly shut the door. Althea threw herself down on her bed and screamed into her pillows. She had done everything she could to try and protect Raph and his bros and this is thanks she gets? Granted, there were better ways for her to go about the situation but her intentions never were to hurt anyone. 

She desperately wanted to go back to how everything was. Before any of this nonsense with N.E.S.T or having to literally keep two everything in her life separate. She missed how she and Raph used to be before all of this. How he'd come to the old apartment and cook with her. How he never was annoyed that she like to keep her feet under his leg or how she liked to tuck herself under his arm while they watched movies. 

Althea raised her head from her pillow and peaked at the picture of her parents that sat on the nightstand. No matter how much she wanted things to go back to normal, it was never going to happen so she'd have to make do with cards she had been dealt. She had to make sure that what happened to her parents wouldn't happen to anyone else. She also had to make sure N.E.S.T never learns of the turtle's existence.

 Althea sat up and took a deep breath and pulled herself together. Just as she was getting ready to get up, she heard the front door open.


Luana's little voice carried all the way down to her sister's room. 

"Yes?",  Althea called back.

She could hear footsteps running down to her door before it opened. 

"Oh thank goodness, you're here", Luana said practically throwing herself at her sister.

"Tamara and Kyna are with everyone else trying to look for you", Luana continued as she pulled out her phone. 

"I told them I'd come check to see if you came home and you did! I'll just let them know you're okay", she said rolling off of her sister and shooting off a text.

"They were that worried about me?", Althea asked laying next to her sister. 

"Yeah! You should have seen Raph's face. He definitely felt like an idiot after you blew up at him", Luana replied with a small laugh.

"I mean, he still was pretty upset with you but I think he understands ", Luana quickly added.

"It's fine", Althea said pulling herself up off the bed.

"I don't need him to understand anything."

Luana sat up to look at her sister who was standing in front of her vanity.

"What do you mean?", she asked curiously.

"I mean that if Raph really wants to move on with McKenzie then he can go right ahead", Althea answered picking up her favorite necklace. 

"I'm done."

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