Chapter 5

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I own none of the characters except for Tamara, Kyna, Althea and Luana

The girls plane touched down at exactly 12:30. Althea had barely slept on the flight. She kept thinking about what Raph was going to do when he finds out about her sisters. And even worse, what if one of them lets it slip about the N.E.S.T boys staying with them. All of these ideas swam through her head the whole flight. “Hey”, a voice said bringing her back to reality. “Tam what’s up?”, she asked as they walked through the airport. “I was going to ask you the same thing. I may have just seen you for the first time in 16 years but I can already tell something is bugging you. Is it about the reunion? if it is, I promise that everything will be fine. I’ll make sure that Luana keeps her mouth shut”. Althea giggled at that. It was cool having a big sister. “Well there’s Will”, she said pointing to a man holding a sign with their names outside”. “Okay Lets go”. 

“Okay Ladies, before you guys go adventuring and sight seeing, we have some orders of business to take care of. I’ll be taking you to your new apartment and then you have a debriefing meeting at the NYC N.E.S.T building. After that, you all can do whatever you want.” “That sounds fine”, Tamara said quickly reading Luana’s protest before she could even speak. “Okay ladies hop in”. 

The car ride was short and sweet. They pulled up to a building on United Nations Plaza. The building stood up tall with 45 floors. “Okay girls, we are here”, Will said stopping the car. “This place looks so cool”, Luana squealed. The girls got out and Will unloaded their bags. “You have an hour and a half to explore the penthouse and the boys should be here in 15 minutes. They will be taking you to the meeting. After the debriefing, I got word that they have a little surprise planned for you girls. And Althea, if you need anything from your apartment, I’m just a call away and will gladly take you”, Will said as he got into the car. As he drove off, Tamara turned around towards the building. “Well lets go guys”.

The girls went inside and there, they were met by a tall dark haired women. “Hello you must be the Parker girls. I am Wendy. I work with N.E.S.T and will be here 24/7 for anything you girls may need” “Anything?”, Luana asked with a smirk growing. “Yes dear anything” “So if I wanted some Golden Oreos at 2am you’d take care of that?” “Luana!” “Hey! She said anything” “Yes dear, if you want Golden Oreos at 2am, I can have that taken care of. “Sweet! I like it here already”.

After signing some paperwork, the girls were each handed a key and were ushered onto an elevator to the top floor. “I’m so excited!”, Luana said excitedly. “I can’t wait to find the study”,Kyna said shifting her laptop bag on her shoulder. “I’ll probably take a cat nap”, Althea said stretching sleepily. “I think I’ll scout around”, Tamara said examining the elevator. The elevator dinged and they were on the top floor. As soon as they walked off they were met by a door. Althea put her key in and opened the door. “Oh My Gosh” were the only words she could form. They entered into the massive kitchen which had not only an island but a breakfast nook as well. The ceilings were high and a wall length window that looked out onto the New York City skyline was in the living room. “Hey guys look”, Kyna said pointing to a piece of paper on the island. “It shows where each of our rooms are”, Tamara said examining it. Althea looked and saw that her room was near the back next to Kyna and Dino’s and across from Luana and Tamara. “I guess they wanted to keep all the bedrooms together. We have about 50 minutes guys, lets set our stuff down and explore some more”.

Althea trotted down the hall with her sisters following close behind. Luana came up to her room first and Tamara was right beside her and they were across from Optimus and Sideswipe. Kyna got to her room and Althea pushed opened the door to hers. It was huge. The bed looked to be a king sized with a gorgeous view of the city. She placed her bag down and looked out the window. “This room suits you” said a voice in the doorway. It was Kyna. “I love my room!”, Luana yelled from her bedroom. “I think they designed them to our personalities”, Kyna said sitting on her bed. Althea looked at Kyna. They looked a lot a like except for that fact that Kyna wore glasses. “I know, we both look like dad, don’t we?”, she asked reading her mind. Kyna went to her nightstand and looked at the lone picture. “See”, she said holding it out. It was a photo of their whole family. “Wow we do look like him”, Kyna said running her hand through her brown, curly locks. “I think you’re right”, Tamara said entering the room as well. Luana was right behind her. They both looked like their mom. “Oh! Thea, your room is so pretty!”, Luana said enchanted with the view of outside. Suddenly, they heard the front door open. “Ciao ragazze!”, said a familiar voice. “ I know who that is”, Kyna said nudging Althea. “I do too”, she said returning the favor. “You ladies are okay?”, Dino said appearing in the doorway. “Yes Dino”, Althea said. He gave her a pearly grin and Althea could feel the warmth in her cheeks. “Ahem”, a voice from behind her spoke up. Luana was giving her a look. Thea rubbed her cheeks to get the color back. “Come on girls, you have a meeting to get to”, Dino said waving them along. They all followed him out. “Oh, I saw you blushing Thea”, Luana said wrapping her arms around her sister’s arm. “I know, I’m sorry its just that he’s…what’s the word” “Gorgeous?” “Yeah I guess you can say that” “Yeah, I know they’re all kinda handsome”, Luana said giggling quietly. Luana got onto her tip toes and whispered into Althea’s ear. “I think Sideswipe’s holoform is pretty handsome. Promise you won’t tell anyone?”, she said looking her sister in the eyes. “I won’t”, she said bopping her on the nose. “Okay good! I won’t tell Raph about your crush on Dino either”, she said skipping ahead. “Hey wait! I don’t have a crush on Dino” “Okay big sister keep telling yourself that” “Luana!” “Fine” “Thank you” “Okay ladies, hurry up”, another voice said from the door. It was Optimus. “We’re coming!” The girls left the apartment and went downstairs, where the 4 cars were parked outside. Althea went and got into Dino’s Ferrari. “You ready”, he said as he sat down in the car. “Yeah”, she said looking at her phone trying to avoid eye contact. “Okay good”. Althea’s phone buzzed. Surprisingly, it was Raphael. ‘When are you coming home again?’ she read in her mind. ‘I actually got back early’, she replied. He replied rather quickly. ‘Really? Well when are you coming over?’ ‘I have some things to take care of. So I don’t know yet but I’ll text you’, she typed as Dino pulled out of his parking spot. ‘K’ was the reply she got. She knew he was irritated, but she had bigger things to worry about. She slunk down in her chair a little bit because it would be disastrous if he was somewhere watching her. She knew he had the ability to pop up unexpectedly. “You sure you are okay?” Dino asked sensing her apprehension. “I’m good”, she said squirming around to get comfy. “Okay well get comfortable because this will be a lengthy drive”.

This pictures are what I was envisioning for the girls rooms. I promise that the meeting will happen next chapter! - Althea - Kyna - Tamara - Luana

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