Chapter 7

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The tension between Raphael and Althea was palpable. However, the others seemed unaware. Tamara and Leonardo were conversing in the dojo on just about everything. Mikey was playing Mario Kart with Luana, who was currently kicking his butt and Kyna was helping Donatello with a project he had been working on. "So you just happen to have 3 sisters, I never knew about?", Raph said finally breaking the silence. "We were separated at a young age so I didn't remember much until I saw them", Althea responded. He may be mad at her but Althea was tucked up securely under his arm. "It seems shaky but I believe you for now. If they pull anything I'm blaming you", he said. She could feel him loosening and that she was winning this battle. "They aren't going to pull anything", she assured him. "They also aren't the ones you need to be worried about", she said under her breath. She thanked whatever high power that Raph didn't catch that. "Thea your sisters are so cool!", Mikey called from the floor where he and Luana had now moved onto Mario Party. "Thanks Mikey", she called from the couch. Raph placed a protective hand on her side. A mini pop from Donnie's lab caught their attention. "Is everything okay in there?", Althea called out. "Everything's great!", Donnie said coming outside. He was holding something and a smiling Kyna was standing behind him. "Your sister helped me get the last component for this power source. So if we ever lose electricity, I have enough power for the whole lair for 2 weeks!" Althea could see that Kyna was taking a liking to Donatello. Well it looked like all 3 had taken a liking to the turtles but there was just one thing in the way. Well 3 someones....

"I think it's time for us to go", Althea said getting up abruptly. "What's the big rush?", Raphael said pulling her back down. The two had fallen asleep and they weren't the only ones. Kyna had fallen asleep on the lab table in Donnie's lab and Luana was asleep on Mikey's shoulder. Tamara was nowhere to be found (presumably in Leonardo's room or the dojo). "We just gotta go", she said pushing herself up again. She got out of his reach and smacked Luana on the shoulder, waking her up promptly. "What's wrong?", she asked sleepily. "Time to go." Althea was now wide awake, going to round up the rest of her sisters. She got Kyna up who sleepily came out of the lab and she found Tamara, fast asleep in Leonardo's bed. "Alright it's been great today guys, we'll have to do it again in a few days", she said pulling them towards the exit. "Aww Luana promised you guys would be back tomorrow so we could play Call of Duty!", Mikey whined. "And Tamara and I were going to discuss some different Japanese Art techniques", Leonardo added. "Also Kyna and I started another project", Donnie chimed in. Althea gave her sister's a warning stare before turning back towards the turtles. "Fine we'll be back after lunch."

Once the girls had left the lair and were above ground, Althea's phone went off. It was Dino. "Where have you been?", he asked with a hint of concern and disappointment. "I thought we could get some dinner but you didn't answer your phone. I was about to call N.E.S.T before I got your call." "We're fine Dino and dinner sounds wonderful right now", she said as they got onto the bus. "We'll meet you ladies outside of the apartment." Althea slipped her phone in her pocket and relayed the plan to her sisters. "Good I was starving anyway", Luana said as she stretched. She was still waking up from her nap. "I also need to talk to Prowl so this should be good", Kyna said as they turned down their street. Four cars were parked outside of their apartment complex. Althea opened the passenger seat to Dino's car and sat down. "Well I'm happy you're safe", Dino said with a smile. Althea's heart thumped a bit but quickly calmed down when she thought about where she had just been. "Well I'm happy you're concerned. Now lets go get some food."

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