It's like you're a leech

Not willing to let another lame excuse slip part my lips, I reluctantly nodded my head as Theseus led me out. I couldn't soothe my natural instinct of hurting this creature, so instead, I clutched my left fist - the hand that wasn't in his. As he lead the way to the Gardens, which by the way, were totally beautiful - I let myself study him.

Truth be told, he was disgustingly handsome. I say disgustingly simply because he's a leech. If he were a human, I would've demanded him to be mine without knowing his background. Which would've been stupid of me, but his appearance was that attractive. Emerald eyes, that could make any woman with hormones, heart swoon. Panther colored hair that was always slightly mussed, like bed hair, that made anyone with fingers have the desire to run their fingers through it. His lean, muscled frame made him all the more desirable.

Sucking the life from me

We had arrived to the Garden. The pleasant smell of flowers dampened the stink of death on Theseus. He let go of my hand as soon as we had reached the entrance. And, stupidly, my fingers ached to be wrapped around the comfort of his. I washed down that thought with anger, replacing it with I just wanted to grab a stake to shove up his heart.

It's like I can't breathe

I paid no attention to Theseus as I wandered around the Garden as I examined the flowers. So much beauty for a kingdom that had absolutely no such thing. My own Kingdom had flowers but they weren't as beautiful as these. Although, if asked directly which Garden I favored, of course my allegiance stayed to my own Kingdom, and I'd choose them over anything.

Even my heightened senses of a slayer couldn't comprehend what had happened. Strong arms wrapped around my waist. I held my breathe, to keep out the assaulting smell of death that was emitted from every pore of this man's body. My body was feeling nausea over the closeness.

Without you inside of me

A handful of scenarios flashed before my eyes. He could kill me right now without anyone knowing. That fear gnawed at my gut, demanding for action. I soothed it down with the knowledge that he couldn't possibly do that without breaking the treaty. He could drink from me. That natural instinct to shove my elbow back into his well formed eight packed stomach was halted. The arms wrapped around me were accompanied by Theseus's face lowering down to my shoulder, nuzzling into my neck.

And I know I let you have all the power

I twitched. What did he want? I kept my breathing even, regardless of my racing heart. I closed my eyes, focusing intently on his touch. His touch made me want for more and slay him at the same time. Instead of fighting back though, I let him continue to nuzzle my neck with his tongue now stroking right above my right carotid - the largest artery in my neck that was teeming with blood. By the scent of him, he thirsted.

And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time

I did something that no other slayer in the history of my world did - I let him bite. I didn't flinch from the brief pain of his elongated fangs slipping down my neck into my artery. When regular humans learned how to use crayons, I learned not to feel pain. I wish I had been instructed how to not feel lust, though.

He was in a vulnerable position right now. All I had to do was elbow him in the gut, connect the back of my heel to his manly parts and snap the wooden branch in front of me and stake him. It wouldn't kill him, but it'd stun him long enough for me to locate my hidden silver stake and kill him for good.

I knew what his bite would do. It would make him accessibly to my thoughts, it would form a blood bond between us. Something that a slayer of my kind would rather commit suicide rather than let another soul find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2011 ⏰

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