2. I Can't Stop The Rain From Falling

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How, how am I supposed to feel

Molly tried to keep her gaze leveled at her friend currently speaking, but she just couldn't. Directly behind her friend was William. With his new girlfriend. Of course. She surpressed the urge to either cry or claw the bitch's eyes out.

When everything surrounding me

"By the way, how are you dealing with, you know," one of her friends asked, their eyes filled with concern. Molly shrugged.

Is nothing but a fake disguise

She pulled up a beaming smile and waved her hand dismissively, "You mean he-who-must-not-be-named?" Her friends bursted into a fit of giggles, the expected reaction. After a few minutes, the calmed down, and waited for her real response. "I'm over him, I told you that," Molly rolled her sapphire eyes, as her heart ached and begged to differ.

I don't know

She didn't know if she meant it or not. She was careful to keep distance between them, deleted him from her Facebook, Phone and her life. That didn't mean, however, she didn't keep her eyes off of him. What did she feel? She assured her friends and family so many times she was over William, that she was starting to believe her story herself. Was she really over him?

I don't know where I belong

The comforting, reassuring smiles of her friends and their always infectous laughs didn't quite reach her to the core like it used to. She felt out of place, as if this happiness was undeserved.

It's time for me to carry on

Molly mentally shook her head. It's been almost 6 months, and he's obviouly moved on. She obviously hadn't. Her usually flirtatious streak had been dampened, if there were any flirting on her part in the first place, for that matter.

I'll say goodbye

The bell gave a sharp ring, indicating it was time for them to depart for their individual classes. Molly bid farewell to her friends, as she stood there, contemplating what to do. She didn't have the heart to go to class. Today marked their 2nd year anniversary, if they had still been together. The date had been etched into her mind like ink in paper. Abruptly, she swiveled around and headed for the exit. She was going to finish this.

I can't stop the rain from falling

She moaned out loud as she saw the dary gray clouds emitting sinsiter shadows across the campus. It was going to rain. Just earlier, the sun had been peeking behind the mountains. Now, it barely stood a chance against the threatening clouds above. She hadn't bought a jacket. Great. Not wanting to chicken out of her head strong idea, she toughed it out and hurried her way to the lake. Maybe if she got there fast enough, she wouldn't get soaked.

Nope. The clouds roared in anguish, a lightning bolt cracked and the drops began hurtling down. Great.

I'm drowning in these tears I cry

This was a stupid idea, she thought, disgusted with her determination. What was she trying to accomplish by soaking herself to the bone, anyway? She knew the anwer deep in her heart, but her brain was too fussy to acknowledge its existence.

Since you left without a warning

It was all about her finally getting over him. To toss away her persevering hopes of him ever glancing back at her. Why did she ever think he'd come back, after abruptly dumping her? He hadn't even bothered making it fluffy. He just said they were over. No explainations, no excuses, no nothing.

I face the dawn with sleepless eyes

Sighing, she rubbed her tired eyes, feeling the deep bags that inhabited them. She was embarrassed to admit that he was the cause for her nightmares, if she was lucky. She couldn't coax herself to sleep at all. Therefore, being able to rest her eyes with anything, even a nightmare involving him, was a blessing. Her friends had definitely noticed, and were worried sick she was depressed. She hadn't wanted them to worry, so she told them that she was taking more hours with baby sitting. That was close to the truth. She wasn't baby sitting kids - she was baby sitting her love sick broken heart.

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