Chapter 24

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-Jasmines POV-

I had just finished my meal and I was watching the guys talk to each other. Suddenly, Liam tapped on my shoulder, making me jump slightly. He pointed at Louis, who was looking at me. He nodded slightly towards the stage and I knew that was my cue.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I announced.

"Okay." Ashton smiled at me.

I smiled back at him and made my way toward the stage, which was beside the bathrooms.

I walked around the corner to be greeted by a boy a couple years older than me.

"Hi! I'm Justin. I help with the technology stuff on stage. You are?" He smiled and held out a hand. He had blonde, short hair with piercing green eyes.

"I'm Jasmine." I said while shaking his hand hesitantly.

"Are you the Jasmine here to perform?" He asked.

"Yep." I replied with a shaky breath.

"I'm sure you will do great! If your voice is as beautiful as your face, you'll definitely do amazing." He cheekily grinned.

I blushed and mumbled a quiet 'thank you'. He seems cool, but something doesn't feel quite right.

"Follow me." He said and took my hand.

I blushed again and let him take me around to the back.

He pulled me over to an area that had a guitar and microphone. "Are you ready, or do you want to practice?" He asked.

"I'm ready." I said. If I practice, I will just get more nervous so I should probably just get up there, and do it.

"Okay. You can go sit in the couch over there, it will be a minute." He explained and pointed to a black leather couch against the wall.

I nodded and sat down. I stared at the guitar and noticed at was almost identical to the one I have back at the hotel.

After a moment, a worker came back and grabbed the guitar and microphone and walked away.

Justin came in and walked over to me. "Come on." He said as he put his hand out. I grabbed it and he pulled me to side stage.

The worker who had brought the things out there started speaking into the microphone. "Lads and ladies! We have a special performance today by a young girl. She wrote a song and is going to play it for her dad and his friends." He explained.

I peeked out a little to see Dad, Michael, Luke, and Calum, all probably wondering who they are talking about, and the 1D boys pretending to be confused and looking around with the rest.

The worker walked off stage and motioned for me to walk up. Luckily, there wasn't a ton of people here tonight, maybe 35. Still, a lot of people for my comfort.

I nervously walked to the stool and sat down. I looked directly at my table to see 5 boys smiling like idiots and 4 looking at me with wide eyed and their mouths hung open.

"Hi. My names Jasmine and I wrote this song for my Dad and the other guys for adopting me and helping me through everything." I smiled.

I strummed the first note and started singing. (You know the lyrics. [The Only Reason by 5SOS])

When I finished heard a round of applause and I heard the 1D boys shouting like lunatics. I opened my eyes to see everyone standing up by their seats. I couldn't help but smile widely. I looked at Dad to see tears streaming down his face and a smile from ear to ear.

I gently placed down the guitar and jumped off the stage. I ran into his arms and hugged him harder than I ever have.

I heard a chorus of 'aw's but I didn't budge.

"I love you so much." He said into my ear.

"I love you too." I giggled quietly.

"That was beautiful." He kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." I wiped his tears and went to hug the other boys.

Calum was closest so I ran to hug him.

Then Luke, then Michael.

We could hear all kinds of cameras clicking but we all ignored it. We ended up in a group hug with all of the boys and it was all I could ever ask for.

"I have something to tell you Jasmine..." Niall says.

"And that is?" I asked curiously.

"Umm... Well we had a 1D and a 5SOS twit cam going for that whole thing and we were recording it..." He nervously replies.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops. "So you mean millions of people watched me sing!??!!?"

"Maybe?" Zany scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh well. What's done is done." I said. I figured it would be better to under react than over react.

"Good. I thought you might get mad." Harry sighed.

"It's all good." I smiled reassuringly.

"Are we ready to go?" Luke asked.

"Have we paid yet?" I asked.

"Yep. You good?" Ashton asked.

I nodded and we left.

We sat in the car and I had trouble keeping my eyes open.

I was somewhere that I couldn't tell because there was no light. Suddenly, a door slammed open then shut. A light turned on and I realized it to be my bedroom at my dead dads house.

"Why are you here?" He spat at me.

"I-I live here..." I said back.

"How many times have I told you to be quiet?! I have a hang over! Shut the fuck up and cook me something!"

"Okay. What do you want?" I replied trying to be quiet and sweet.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY??!" He screamed. He walked over to me and threw me against the wall. He started kicking me and throwing random insults at me.

"Please! Stop! No! P-please..." I cried.

"Jasmine! Wake up!" I shot up in bed panting. I opened my eyes to see Michael worriedly staring at me.

"It was just a dream." I whispered to myself.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah." I wiped my tears. "It was just a dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head in response and took a shaky deep breath

"Alright. Let's go back to sleep. Wake me up if you need me. Okay?" He whispered.

I nodded and snuggled into the blankets with a sigh. Within seconds, I was asleep.


There should be AT LEAST 5 more chapters!!! I'm going to try and finish this book before Summer because I will be very busy and I can't promise I will be able to write too often. We'll see what happens...

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