Chapter 15

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-Ashton's POV-

Michael walked out of the room he brought Jasmine to.

"Is she okay?" I asked him.

He gestured for me to come over to the door way. "She wants me to tell the others what's wrong with her. She doesn't need to be alone. Go make sure she's okay." He whispered. I knew exactly what he meant by 'she doesn't need to be alone' so I nodded and went to her.

She was just sitting there crying. I went and layed down beside her, draping my arm around her waist as she cries into my chest. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." I said.

"Mikey is explaining everything to them. What if they hate me? What if they think I'm pathetic? I don't need another voice telling me I am." She said.

"What do you mean 'another voice'?" What the hell is she talking about? I'm so confused...

"Well..." You can tell she didn't mean to say that.

"What are you not telling me?" I asked strictly. She flinched a little by my tone but soon recovered.

"You're gonna take me back to the orphanage if I tell you." She cried.

"I couldn't do that to you. I love you! You're my daughter! That thought hasn't crossed my mind once. Now tell me what's going on." I assured her.

"Okay. This is gonna be really hard so bear with me." I nodded. "I have this v-voice in my head. I- I can't do anything about it. Sometimes sh-she yells at m-me and tells me to do things. Bad th-things. I don't know... It's basically just a voice in m-my head and she's really mean and l-loud and she yells all the t-time." She explained nervously.

Holy shit. What do I do? "Is she talking right now?"

"Yeah." She whispered.

"What is she saying?" I asked. I need to know what kind of things the voice in my daughters head is telling her.

"Sh-she's yelling at me for telling you. She said 'your gonna get it later'. She called me a baby, pathetic, and an attention whore. She's laughing at me because she thinks the situation I'm in is so fucking hilarious!" She's getting aggravated by the voice.

"Hey, look at me." I put a finger under her chin and gently lifted her head. "Don't listen to her. I don't care what she says. I'm glad you told me this, these are the kind of things I need to know. You're not pathetic. You're not a baby, and you're defiantly not an attention whore. You've been through a lot and you've held on for so long, it's 100% okay to break down. Everyone does sometimes. We will get through together, okay? Anytime that voice starts talking, come tell me or at least give me a look so that I know, got it?"

She nods in response and put her head down on my chest again. After sitting there for another minute or two, Michael walks in.

He gives me a questioning look and mouths "is everything okay?"

I lightly shake my head "no" and gently pull away from Jasmine.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

She gives a slight smile and nods her head. "Did you tell them?" She asks Michael.

"Yeah." He said while slowly walking towards her.

"What did they say?" She worriedly asks while her eyes start to water again.

"They completely understood. They were surprised by how much you went through, and let's just say a few tears were shed. You wanna go back out there?" He explains sweetly.

She nods her head and sits up. Michael takes her hand and I take the other. We make our way to the living room were everyone's eyes are red and puffy, even Calum and Luke who have heard the story once already. We just stop for a minute and let her chose a seat. She sits between Niall and Liam and they both automatically hug her. She hugs them back and I take the opportunity to get Luke, Calum, and Michael's attention and pull them aside.

They follow me into the kitchen and I immediately sit down, putting my head in my hands.

"What happened?" Michael asks.

"She was telling me about this voice in her head. It's a she and it tells her to do things and calls her pathetic and all this other stuff. When she told me I asked her what it was saying and she said that it was calling her an attention whore and saying that she was gonna get it for telling me. I don't even know what to do..." I trail off.

I look up to see all of the boys look confused, but Luke looks kind of pale. Cal seems to notice to because he says "Luke, are you okay?"

"I know what it is." He says staring off into space.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Before the band, I was bullied for a while and I had a voice in my head. It was always pointing out my insecurities and telling me to kill myself and all this other stuff. I never did anything because the band was formed right after and you guys made me feel loved, but before, the voice would leave for a day or multiple hours but it always came back, louder and stronger until it left for good." He explained.

I finally break the silence by saying "Shit fuck."

The Butterflies Will Live Forever (Adopted by 5SOS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant