Chapter 4

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-Jasmines POV-

I woke up in the same spot from last night, covered in dirt, from being on the floor.


I decided to go shower. While I was showering, I got the tingly urge to drag the blade across my wrist so that's exactly what I did.

One for being fat
One for beating stupid
One for being ugly
One for being worthless
One for being trash
One for being everyones problem
One for being the reason my mom basically went insane
One for being the reason my dad died
One for making everyone hate me
One for wasting my idols time
One for being a blunder
And a handful more for being me.

With that I got out, dried off, got dressed, and went to bed.


I woke up to the feeling of a thousand knives shooting through my rib cage. I barely managed to open my eyes just to see the one person I hate most. Mrs. Darnell. She was kicking me and telling me "Go die in a hole! No one will ever adopt you, you disgraceful girl!" She kicked me one more time before leaving.


I decided to go take a walk to the park so I grabbed my headphones and iPod, and left.

I didn't know I was secretly hoping the boys would be there until I saw their bus leaving. I figured it was pointless so I walked back 'home'.

-Ashton's POV-

The guys and I got a call from management telling us we had to go up there and talk to them. On the way, I was thinking about that girl, Jasmine, from the park our bus was staying at since it was basically abandoned. I was thinking about tour, and how it would be nice to have someone along with us. I was thinking about wanting to see Jasmine again.

My mind was spinning with 101 subjects, and all of them had to do with her.


When we got there, we tried to look more presentable and walked into the office. They directed us straight to Adam, so we went in that direction, and entered his office.

"Ah, boys. I need to talk with you." He said.

"Of course." Michael said.

"Well, we need something to show people you boys are responsible. After being seen drunk at the last party, people are questioning your responsibility. I trust you can come up with an idea?" Adam asked. You see, Adam has a tendency to get straight to the point and drop the ball on you.

The boys and I just stared at each other, in confusion. What the hell does he mean? What are gonna do?

"Um... Yeah, sure." I finally managed to say.

Adam gestured for us to leave after telling us to call him after we thought of something.

When we got to the car, Luke said "Okay, what exactly are we gonna do to seem more "responsible"?"

"What is that even supposed to mean?" Calum blurted out.

"I know! What are you supposed to do to make yourself be presented as responsible? I mean, it's not like we've done anything irresponsible..." Michael ranted.

"Like do we get a pet or something?" Calum asked.

"I don't even know." I said after a period of silence.


I couldn't sleep that night. I was trying to figure out what to do to make us seem responsible. I figured getting some fresh air might make me tired, so I grabbed a hoodie and went outside. We were at the same park as before, and it was practically abandoned, so I expected not to see anyone.

I was wrong. I was so wrong.

I heard quiet sobs coming from the opposite side of the park, so I followed the cries, wondering who they were coming from.

When I got close enough, I realized it was........ Jasmine?

-Jasmines POV-

Today was far from a normal day. Everyone seemed to be after me more than usual. The words hurt more than a blade ever could. They made me feel worthless. And on top of all of that, she came back. She left for a couple months and I though she was gone for good. I guess not...

Guess who? A familiar voice whispered in my ear.

What the hell? I thought you left...

You see, she can read my thoughts, so she said Well, I'm back so get used to me. I left you because you weren't worth my time. There are better people in the world to torment, but I thought it was fun to mess up your life because you don't have the courage to kill yourself yet, so I thought I would help!

Why me?


And that was all she said before I heard the familiar sound of foot steps leaving a room, telling me she's gone for now.

Seeing it was late, I decided I would be okay to go to the park.

When I was on my way I saw my bullies, walking towards me. Shit fuck.

I turned around to run, but not fast enough.

"GET HER!!!!" Someone screamed.

I ran as fast as my thunder thighs let me, but they slowed me down.

They jumped me and beat me up, but this time, someone banged my head against a brick wall and I couldn't move after that. I felt paralyzed.

After they left me there, it took like, 20 minutes before I could move again. I continued to go to the park, ignoring the shooting pain in my head and the blood gushing down the side of my face.

When I got there, I sat on a bench and just cried. I sat there crying for a while until I heard footsteps approaching. I was scared to see who it was, so I kept my knees pulled close to my chest with my head on my knees.

"Jasmine?" The voice asked.

I finally decided to look up and I saw Ashton. When he saw me his eyes widened and his face whitened, as if he saw a ghost.

"I-Is it really th-that bad?" I asked.

He cradled me like a baby and rushed me towards the bus. "We need to get you to the hospital. How did that happen?" He said quickly.

"They smashed m-my head into a brick wall-l." I told him through the tears.


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