Sequence VI, Chapter 3: Velvet - The Transformation

Start from the beginning

"Let her go!" Yang demanded.

"No." You growled.

You carried her bridal style and ran the other direction. You knew that Ruby could easily catch up with you and that she doesn't use her brain much, so you're going to use that to your advantage.

You plopped Velvet down and asked her to climb on your back. Velvet was flabbergasted.


"Hurry! I can hear Ruby." You said.

She reluctantly climbed on your back. She was much lighter than you expected, making your next plan easier.

You climbed the tree.

Velvet gripped harder on you. She was afraid of heights. She was afraid to look down. You reached a suitable height and motioned for Velvet to get on the branch. She didn't move, and you noticed her shivering.

"Wait, Vel, you're afraid of heights?"

"Yeah." She whispered.

"Crap. Alright, Vel. I'm sorry, but this has to be done. You'll forgive me, right? I'll make it up to you, promise." You said.

"Fine. . Just make it quick."

You saw Ruby slowing down below the tree and she looked around, confused.

"Where did he go? VELVET!? VELVET!" Ruby shouted.

You jumped off the branch, with Velvet almost screaming. You landed on Ruby and dropped Velvet on her. Velvet was panting loudly, relieved that they didn't die. 

"Y/N, at least give me a warning first!" Velvet said, getting up.

"Oops. My bad." You said, scratching the back of your head.

You felt something coming and tilted your head to the left, avoiding Yang's fist. You grabbed it and flipped her forward and brought her face close to yours.

"You know," You said, making Yang flustered. "I'm not the enemy."

You dropped her and turned to Velvet, who was staring at you with a jealous look.

"What?" You asked.

"Hmph." She crossed her hands and looked away, blush evident on her face.

Ruby groaned and sat up, rubbing her head.

"No wonder you looked familiar. You're Blake's brother. I thought you were going to hurt Velvet. Sorry." She said.

"Anyway!" Yang shot up. "You're single, right?"

"Uh. . . I mean, yeah—"

"He's my boyfriend!" Velvet cut you off, her eyes widened in realisation and covered her mouth.

"Yeah. . I'm her . . boyfriend."

"Aww. Lucky you, Velvet." Yang pouted.

"Well, it looks like Velvet is in good hands. Oh! and please don't tell Blake we attacked you. She'll kill us." Ruby said.

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