Sequence II, Chapter 5: Ruby - Conclusion

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You slowly felt yourself being dragged into the chamber when you first met Xibetha and Tecia.

"Time to rise, Y/N"

"How? I feel like I have been sleeping forever. " You said as you paced in circles.

"Actually, you did. It has been five years since you slept, Y/N."


"We do not really know. But we're certain its due to fatigue from that fight with Winter."

You shook your head as you tried your hardest to wake up. You even ran against a wall but it felt as if you ran into wind. It was then Ruby appeared in the middle of the room.

You saw Winter sneak up on the girl as she was waving at you.

"Hi Y/N-"

She was decapitated and her head slid right off.

"NO.... NO!"

You awoke. You felt many bugs around your body as you stood and shook them off. You looked around to see that the scenery did change a ton.

"That was not cool, both of you."

'You had to wake one way or another.'

"Five years, huh?"

It was then you heard rustling in a bush ahead of you. Clutching Midnight, you braced for a confrontation. It rustled a little more to see that it was a pack of Ursa and a Ursa major right in the middle. They roared as they ran towards you.

You positioned yourself as they attacked, but it was easy as you swung your scythe and off goes their heads. It was only the Ursa Major now and he seemed really pissed. It ran towards you as you jumped and threw the Scythe right down its middle. Slicing it in half.

'I didn't know you had it in you.'

"Me neither."

You took your weapon out of the Ursa's remains and flicked your weapons as the blood flew off the blade.

Sheathing Midnight, you heard commotion to your left. Apparently they heard the roars from the Ursa and went to kill them. You climbed to the highest point of a tree and watched as people slowly approached the bodies of the Ursa.

"Wh-What? How?"

"Maybe someone was here before us. Damn it. President Adam will have our heads."

'Wait, what?'

"Screw Adam Taurus. He's not fit for president."

"Shut it. Keep your voice down. Lets just say WE killed it instead '

"Good plan."

They started walking towards the direction from where they came from. You looked at the surroundings and realised that Vale had changed a lot from the distance. You jumped from tree to tree towards Vale.

"How.. how did that guy become president? I don't get it..."

'Me neither, Y/N. Five years and Vale has gone to hell. What happened to the Hunters and Huntresses?'

"Looks like we're about to fine out." You said as you neared the town. Almost every building had White Fang symbols on it. Looked over at where Beacon was, you were shocked. It was ... gone.

"H-How.. What happened?"

'I don't know, but its bad'

You started free running over from building to building towards Beacon.. Or whats left of it. Soon after, you reached the place. It was empty. As if it never existed.

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