Sequence VI, Chapter 1: Velvet - Discrimination

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It was hard, living in seclusion. You were a wolf Faunus, living in the streets. You barely got by in life. Your parents were killed by human discriminators and you longed to rip their throats out and stuff it down their necks, however, doing so would only prove that Faunus were vicious beings.

You spent most of your time in the library, reading. It was the only that gave you piece.

You were walking down the streets, not making contact, until you accidentally bumped into someone. You saw that it was a man, with rather peculiar clothing.

"My apologies, mister." You said.

"It's quite alright, mate."

You were going to continue heading to the library until the man spoke up again.

"Hey, you're homeless, aren't you?"

You turned and nodded your head.

"D'you think you could help me with a little something? It'll be worth your while, I swear."

You contemplated what he said for a moment. It was barely that someone even talked to you, much less ask for help. You narrowed your eyes.

"Why me? Humans are as capable, probably even more so than us."

He chuckled.

"Who said anything about your kind being incapable? Besides, I would rather do this myself than ask help from them." He said. "Also, it seems like you would need help to get by, am I right?"

"Alright, fine. I'll help you."

"Splendid! My name is Haytham. Haytham Kenway."


"Now that we're acquainted, let us go."

You walked up to him and he continued on the path he was walking.

"What ARE we doing, anyway?" You asked.

"Oh, you'll see."

He continued down the streets and turned to an alleyway. You narrowed your eyes and you could feel that something was wrong.

It was also at this point that you realised he was leading you to a trap. You hovered your hand over your hidden dagger you hid for situations like this.

You heard a faint click and you instinctively jumped back, narrowly avoiding a net. You gritted your teeth as you glared at Haytham, who had you in gun point.

"You're all the same. Easily tricked. You, however. Are smarter than the others." He smirked.

"Stop right there, pal!" You heard a voice shouting from behind you. You turned to see students from Beacon academy. You looked back at Haytham to scrambling up the building.

"No you fucking don't."

You jumped after him, scaling the wall with as much efficiency as Haytham, however your claws gave you an advantage and you caught up to him fast. You grabbed his cloak and threw him down to the ground.

You jumped down and held his shoved him against the wall, placing the tip of the dagger on his throat.

"Now listen here you little shit. You're the one that has been kidnapping Faunus off the streets for money, yet no one has stepped forward to find you, and know that you're here, I'll make you suffer."

RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader CrossoverOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant