Sequence V, Chapter 5: Neo - Retribution

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It has been a full year since you and Neo broke out from that god forsaken cell. You've spent your time honing your newly acquired skills, as well as assisting the students of Beacon on several occasions. With your spare time, you spent searching for the Roman and Roderick. It proved to be futile as they have not shown themselves since the 'warning' they gave you.

Shay has also disappeared. You have no lead on where he is, or what he is doing. You gave up on the search about seven months prior the breakout.

True to his word, Ozpin cleared all charges from Neo. But she had difficulty adapting to normal life as everybody sent glares her way. If not for your presence, they would have attacked her.

Ozpin has also issued you a dorm to live in until you found a home, which you were grateful for and accepted. Ozpin also issued Neo a separate dorm but she refused and wants to stay with you.


You looked at Neo. She has improved her communication with you so much it seemed natural.

Can we have ice cream? I'm starving.

"Who eats ice cream when they're starving?"

I do, now come on.

She tugged on your arm and you sighed, relenting to her needs. She intertwined her fingers with yours and basically pulled you towards her favourite ice cream store.

She has visited that store so many times that the owner reserves most Neapolitan ice cream for Neo and that the workers prepare her ice cream the moment she steps into the shop.

Like other days, she stepped in again and they started preparing her ice cream as she always likes it. You smiled as Neo nibbles on her ice cream.

"She's something, this one." Xibetha comments as Neo wipes a smear on her cheek, but fails. You sighed and leaned in, wiping it off. Completely embarrassing Neo, but she continued eating, blush evident on her cheeks.


You looked at her, eyebrow raised.

Do you. . . Do you want some?

This caught you off guard. Neo had never asked you if you wanted any. The only time she ever shared was when you were injured a long while back. Even that her feeding you against your will.

"What? Why the sudden change of attitude?" You asked.

Well. . .

She looked around, and you mimicked her actions. It was then it hit you like a bullet train against another. Almost everyone in the store eating were couples and were feeding each other.

Get it now?

You laughed.

"You don't have to do that because others are doing it, Neo. People do it out of love." You explained.

But. . . I do love you.

You felt your heart flutter.

"But— MMPH!"

She leaned closer and shoved her spoon in your mouth. You felt the familiar flavour of Neapolitan ice cream tingling your tastebuds. Neo removed the spoon and took another scoop and ate it.

"You know you didn't have to do that, right?"

Why not? I thought it was cute.

Shut up, Xib.

I agree with her, Y/N. That was cute.

Not you too, Tecia.

Neo smiled and took a scoop of ice cream, then pointing the spoon at you. You reached for it, but she withdrew the spoon.

RWBY x Assassin!Male!Reader CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now