Sequence I, Chapter 1: Weiss - Breakup

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A/N: Ayy, another AssassinFic.

You were an Assassin, trained by Altäir, Ezio and Edward. You had the most potential among all of the other apprentices and you were just doing your initiation.

Ezio: "Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember.."

You: "Nothing is true."

Altäir: "Where other men are limited by morality of law, remember..."

You: "Everything is permitted."

Edward: "We work in the dark to serve the light. We are the Assassins."


It has been a month since your introduction to the creed. You and your closest friend, Connor Kenway, who by the way. Is the son of Edward. Were being sent to Vale to learn their techniques and hunt down several high-priority targets.

"Neo, Cinder and Roman." Connor mutters, reading the case files. You both were supposed to meet someone by the name of 'Ozpin' as he will help both of you to teach both of you the techniques and skills of Vale origin.

You both finally arrived by sea. You looked at the quartermaster, Adéwalé.

"Hey! Thanks for the ride. Remember to keep the Jackdaw safe, Edward will have your head." You said, laughing.

"I'll be here in six months, on the same day and time as now." He said as you both jumped off the ship and unto the wooden platforms.

You both wandered through the streets of Vale. Getting familiarised with the place. You had a day before meeting Ozpin at
Beacon Academy.

"Hey, Y/N. Let's take to the rooftops. It's easier to map the place that way." Connor suggested.


You both climbed the nearby building with ease and made it to the top in no time.

You looked around your surroundings. You both started walking and you heard a conversation which peaked your interest.

"Listen, Weiss."

"Hmm? What is it Neptune."

"I...I'm breaking up with you."


You peeked over the edge to see a white haired girl and what seemed to be her boyfriend, no. Scratch that. Ex-boyfriend having a pleasant conversation. Connor walked right next to you to see what was happening.

"AFTER ALL THAT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH, YOU'RE BREAKING UP WITH ME? WHY..." The white-haired by name of Weiss shouted. She started to cry but Neptune, was it? Could not, in anyway. Touch her without getting hit. Weiss was truly in rage. That didn't stop her from slapping Neptune mid-sentence.

"Listen, I-" He was silenced as Weiss slapped him right across the cheek, leaving a nasty mark.

"Ouch." Connor whispered.

Neptune was stunned for a bit as he felt his cheeks. His eyes didn't have the friendly look to it anymore.

"YOU BITCH." Neptune shouted as he raised his hand to hit the girl. You quickly put your hood on and jumped in the middle of the two. You managed to grab his right hand and shoved him. Causing him to stumble backwards.

"That's quite enough there, friendo." You say as you looked at the crying girl.

"Hey, you may not know me. But I'm so sorry this happened." You say to the crying Weiss and looked back at the enraged Neptune.

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