Because a girl like you is impossible to find
She just shrugged, wanting the waitress to show up so she could gulp water as an excuse for not talking. She just wanted any excuse to not talk, to not give her voice or pieces of her heart a chance to voice her true feelings of how every day was a struggle for her to get by without him by her side. "And you dating Sasha really supports what you're saying," Adrianna chocked out finally, her voice wavering and weak.

You're impossible to find
Scott felt the stab of guilt that was already there twist back and forth in his heart as she spoke. "I'm not with her anymore," he retorted, irritation rising. Not irritation with her, but with himself for every single thing he had done since leaving her speechless the day he said it was over.

This is not what I intended
"Why not?" Adrianna asked, not following his logic. Sasha was everything that a girl could possibly want. Tall. Long legs. Platinum hair that has never seen a bad day. Jade eyes that were hypnotizing. A body that a vogue model would envy with curves in all the right places. And, she had Scott wrapped around her finger.
"Because I thought it'd be better if we split up not because of our social status, but because you'd find pain in being with me," Scott spilled, saddened that he had kept the real truth from her, the first time he'd ever done so with her. He had lied to her saying that the fact she was poor and he was rich wasn't going to cut it. He had thought that being a cold asshole would make her angry rather than depressed. He should've known better. Adrianna was a lover to the core.
"Why would it have been a pain to be with you? Besides, that doesn't explain why you left town with her. You couldn't stand to see my face," growled Adrianna, anger taking control for once in her life. She glared straight into his eyes, taking out all her insecurities out on the asshole that had given them to her. "That's not true," Scott exclaimed, wondering how she ever got to that conclusion. "It was because we both got accepted into Princeton," he explained, his heart completely wrenched with seeing hatred fill her face. He'd never seen her angry. However, her face was shocked, as he heard his explanation. She was caught off guard, and clueless.

I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
"You promised me that you wouldn't listen to your father," Adrianna muttered after a long shocked silence. He had lied to her. He had never lied to her before. Scott looked away from her eyes, his cheeks reddening from mortification. He had lied to her in cold blood.
"I know I did, but he was threatening me," Scott said defensively, frowning, as he struggled to find the appropriate words.
"Why would he threaten his own son?" she asked, suddenly suspicious. If he had lied to her, what made her think that he wasn't lying now?

You always thought that I was stronger
Adrianna began to wonder if she had been rich enough to Scott's dad's satisfaction. If she had, would she had gone through all this heart break? Adrianna had made Scott promise that her dad's intention for all the good his son would do would not affect who Scott was as a person. He had promised her. Scott did more than that. He abandoned all his arrogant, rich, jock friends for her. He had given up social events that required his presence if they had a date. He even took her to meet his parents, who had showed her obvious disdain. Adrianna couldn't possibly fathom that he had given in to his dad's words. She always thought he was stronger than to give in to his father's taunting.

I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start
"I know you have no reason to forgive me for lying to you and especially leaving you," Scott began, still unable to voice the appropriate words that could tell how desperately he needed her love, "but I've always loved you, you have to know that." Adrianna still didn't utter a single word. Scott couldn't begin to even explain how much of a failure he felt like for leaving her, for heeding to his father's words, and most of all, for dating Rebecca. He hadn't loved Rebecca. He thought eventually Adrianna would fade away and he could forget all of it, all the pain that he felt. He couldn't have been more wrong.

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