"Who'll take care of them after her?" I asked, sitting down on a stool at the island. "I want an omelette." 

     Teddy nodded, opening the fridge and pulling out an assortment of vegetables.

"My sister, her name is Balbina. You'll like her, she's sixteen. I'm eighteen, by the way." He smiled at me, putting the veggies on the island. "Which ones?" 

     I looked at the assortment, trying to remember which were my favorite, but I just shrugged. "Everything." 

    Teddy gave me a weird look before nodding and getting out the chopping board. He got out a very sharp knife from a locked drawer, before getting to cutting the onions.

     "Balbina can't speak very well, she mostly relies on her mate, Irsia, and a lot of her twin Bambi."

I nodded my head. "I know sign language. I had a brother, he was deaf." 

    "Really? That's cool, I know the basics, but the Alpha in the Southern Pack knows sign language, as does his Luna. I think it's a pretty basic language to learn, because it's not as uncommon to not speak anymore." 

     Again, I nodded my head. "It's not that hard to learn, I don't think." 

My mind flashed back to Garrick, my baby brother. He had only made it to ten, I was fourteen, he was the reason I left.

     Because Peter killed him, and blamed it on me.

Peter could've just said that I tried to kill him, but instead, he decided to send a message. I was his, and if I dared even try to disobey him again, I would be next.

      Granted, being with Teddy was also a violation of Peter's rules. He had never set any down specifically, but he was extremely over-protective of me, and I hadn't been allowed to talk to any boys. He said that he was my mate, and that the Mood Goddess put us together for a reason. He would rule, and I would be his faithful, silent wife, with pretty clothes and a fit body. I would give him plenty of children, an heir to his throne, after he completed his crazy and violent mission of an uprising against the Grey wolves.

     Originally, the four Timber Wolf packs that were under Grey Wolf rule had asked for their protection from hunters and other dangers of the supernatural world. Each Grey Wolf pack had chosen a pack to look after, and we have remained in harmony for two centuries.

     "Eulalie? You okay, love? You seemed to have zoned out." He asked, reaching over and holding my hand in his.

    It sent sparks throughout my body, gracing my face with the smallest of smiles.

     I raised an eyebrow at him. "Love? I just met you." It sounded cold, but I couldn't let my guard down. I was too close to Peter.

     "Don't tell me you don't feel anything for me." Teddy rolled his eyes at me, giving me a goofy, lopsided grin. "'cause I sure as hell feel something for you." 

     "Whatever, just hurry up and make me my food, I'm hungry." I growled, shooing him away toward the food he was making.

     "You've stayed in incredibly shape for being such a well known, and active rogue. I mean, well, you don't ever settle down. You've never had a job, right?" He asked, throwing the vegetables in the pan with the eggs.

      "I dunno, I have connections. I'm not totally alone, and I have to say, stealing from the Northwest pack is especially easy, and a hobby of mine." I smiled at him, a full on grin, really, proud of myself. I despised that pack, my family that had abandoned me.

     "Fair enough. I was thinking that today, we would go shopping and get you some stuff for school, which starts in about a month, and some clothes, since you'll be staying." Teddy smiled gently at me, but gave me a look that told me not to ask questions or rebel against him. He wasn't Peter, but I could tell he still wanted control. The joke was on him, though, because no one can control me.

     "I wasn't planning on staying." I said, avoiding his gaze. I knew that if I looked in his eyes, he would be able to tell that it ripped me apart inside to say that.

     It practically killed me that I meant it.

     "No way I'm letting you leave, what other girl is going to fit as perfectly with me as you do?" He asked, walking over to me again and staring into my dull brown eyes.

     I felt so dull compared to him. My skin was dark, like the color of cardboard. My nose was broad, with a ring on my left nostril. I had high cheekbones, sure, but my jawline wasn't as sharp as the girls in magazines, or even pack wolves.

     My hair, that was my pride and joy, but to a lot of people, it was dirty and matted. Long, black dreadlocks that reached my tailbone. My eyebrows were bushy and thick, hardly what I wished they were. But my eyelashes were long, and framed my eyes naturally. I liked them, but that was about it.

    I was constantly on the run, which made me thin. Naturally, I was tall, long, thin, muscled legs, a flat stomach, and a somewhat hourglass figure. I suppose some parts of me were beautiful, but I felt that for the most part, I wasn't.

      "Why do you want me?" I blurted out. I couldn't help myself. I was so dull, so troublesome and an idiot, yet he still wanted me. He hardly knew me, yet he wanted me.

     "Because to me, your perfect."


Heyy! Sorry for the late update. From now on, I update on Sundays. I would've updated sooner, but sadly, I hurt my finger and couldn't type for a bit, then I was busy with school and all that good stuff, so sorry. As always, please help me edit by commenting any mistakes I've made. 

Love ya lots mah peeps, peace out !!

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