I push and weave myself around the pedestrians walking by and try my best not to get run over by a car as I cross the street. With a heavy beating heart I finally reach the house, ignoring the ache in my legs dashing inside.

"Ryder!" I yell anxiously as I slammed the door open. "Baby, it's daddy where are you?" I say quickly taking a peek inside the living room.

I swear if he has taken her because Ana decided to leave her alone...

"Daddy!" I hear Ryder sob. I turn around seeing her running over, tears running down her rosy cheeks, the tip of her nose red from the cold.

"Oh baby, come here." I say leaning down picking her up into my arms holding her tightly against my chest.

"Hey baby, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask trying to push her back to get a look at her but her arms tightened around my neck.

"No!" She whines.

"Shhh, baby. Daddy is here." I coo, swaying her back and forth as she sobs into my neck as my eyes scan the empty apartment while tears pooled into my eyes. "I've got you baby girl. I'm not going anywhere. I've got you, always."

I shake my head, not wanting to dwell on the memory any longer.

So much for always. I can't even make it to her graduation. What kind of father am I?

Harry's POV

"Hey, Harry do you have a second?" James says as I walk down the hall. I turn seeing him making his way over.

"Yeah, I was just about to leave. What's up?" I say fiddling with my car keys.

"Well you'd be pleased to hear that I submitted the papers for early terminating of your sentence." He smiles.

"And?" I ask, waiting for him to continue. James blinks at me, confused.

"No, well that's what I wanted to let you know."

I blink, jerking my head back, not understanding. "But I thought you did that a while ago?" I ask recalling the time he was asking my idiotic questions in my office.

"Yeah." He nods. "I filled it out just didn't have the time to turn the papers in."

"Didn't have the time to turn them in?" I mutter in disbelief, frowning at him.

"Well I'm sorry my life didn't fit into your busy schedule." I say before turning around.

"Oh come on, Harry." James whines.

"No, you come on." I snap turning back around to face him. "Don't you get that this is my life? That each day I spend in probation is another day wasted of my freedom. Another day that I can't take back?"

"Yes but it's not like you actually do much." He shrugs.

"Excuse me?" I ask, raising my brows at him.

He can't be fucking serious right now.

"I don't mean to be rude but all you do is go home after work."

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora