17. Memoria

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"Are you coming to bed Beansprout?" Chitoge yelled.

"Soon gorilla girl." I retorted.

She just laughed hysterically.

Life was great. I am alive, the frostbite marks were gone, I have my girl and the greatest, craziest friends in the world.

"Come on Rakuuuuu I need my fake lover."

"I'm coming!" I replied.

I jumped onto the bed after turning off the lights.

"Closer..." Chitoge muttered. 

I huddled up to her my head under her chin. Blankets covering our bodies.


"Yes Raku." She replied sleepily.

"I should of asked you this a while back..." I started to get anxious.

"What is it?" She questioned. 

"Truthfully I love being your fake lover..."

Chitoge gave me a look of fear and curiosity at the same time.

"Will you go out with me?" I laughed out.

"Baka!" She yelled closing her eyes and smashing me with her pillow.

Chitoge got on top of me and continued her assault with her pillow until she grew tired. Her body slumped onto mine and her face merely inches from mine.

"What's your answer Gorilla girl?"

"Well... Beansprout... Yes."

We both giggled and then we kissed in each others embrace.


The weekend came around at long last.
The week was crazy, with school, moving in with Chitoge and getting cards from relatives asking if I was ok. Jesus. Dying has made me famous.

Chitoge and I awoke on Saturday morning entangled in blankets and each other. Let me tell you... Two restless sleepers in one bed really doesn't work... Even if you have a double King.

Chitoge had all the blankets, (as expected) but I was heated by her warmth.

I felt like I was slipping, but often I fell that way, especially when I don't get enough sleep.
But I was slipping.

My head hit the ground with a large thump, but that didn't awake Chitoge.

My head was on the floor but my legs were still on the bed. But positioned where I was, I could see under her bed and one thing caught my eye.

A book with a key coming out of it.

I reached for it in my upside down state.

'Chitoge's Diary'
But the writing was not as neat as hers.

As I opened the Key fell out.
All this time, in all this stress, I had forgotten about the keys and the locket! I felt around my chest and I was still wearing the locket, I guess I got into a routine.

I looked at the date on the first entry.
That's why... It was 10 years ago.

The Diary was old but it was kept in a good condition. 
The entries many consisted of her talking about going to a summer house in the Japanese countryside.

'Wait... Is that me?' I thought to myself.
There was a little drawn character at the bottom of the page with my exact style of hair. Chitoge mentions how I always played with her and how I always helped her when she got hurt.

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