13. Words of Love

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I awoke to Chitoge shaking me.

"Wake up Raku..." She whispered.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"I have no idea, I just woke up as well." She sighed.

"It's even colder... But at least the winds have stopped." I had to secure my mind with this, and Chitoge's emotions for that matter.

My neck was burning up, but I kept quiet about it.

"What can we do to pass the time... It's sooooooo boring." Chitoge complained.

"Well there is so much to do in this cave, so how can you possibly be bored?!" I sarcastically mocked.

She cutely muttered.

"How about I ask you something then?"
She thought deeply after this.

"Sure. What do you want to know?"

"Kosaki... She is an amazing girl, I can see why you liked her... But why did you give up? She is more ladylike, prettier and smarter than me... Why did you choose me?"

"Well... You make it sound like a bad thing that I chose you... But to be truthful, I kind of... I don't know. Started to see her more as a friend ever since the sleepover... And I started to view you romantically much to my own dislike... But one part of me knew it was true... That somehow we were meant to be together."
I smiled as brushed some blonde hair out of her face.

"She likes you... You know that, now that I had some basic knowledge it's so clear to see... Are you ok with breaking her heart... Saying I am the one?"

Chitoge could see a lot of regret. This was her best friend we were talking about. Her first friend (I don't count) and she basically stole her best friends crush... Technically twice. So In my opinion Chitoge felt really guilty...

"Yeah, it will be hard to tell them, especially Kosaki-San... But they have to know I'm actually yours. Well Tachibana-San still believes that we are together so let's keep it that way..."

"Yes... and no kissing her on the cheek, got it... Baka..." Chitoge complained.

"Yes my love..." I complied as I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.


I awoke once again... This time I had passed out instead of falling asleep.

I opened my stone cold eyes to see Chitoge, tears slowly turning into ice.

"What's up..." I muttered.

"I thought you... Died... You wouldn't answer me..."

"I was sleeping?"

"No you didn't wake up when I shook
you and yelled at you..."
She was on the verge of crying again.

"I'm sorry... I'm really cold..."
I was starting to get hot and burn up now, even though I was freezing at the same time.

"Your colour is gone..." She gasped.
Then immediately went to the caved in snow at the entrance of the cavern. Chitoge clawed at it like there was no tomorrow, like a hound digging up a hidden bone. She did make progress though but it was hard to tell. Her ankle was preventing her from using her full strength.

My eye sight became dreary... My eye lids heavy... My consciousness started to waiver. I scared but yet, I had no fear. I felt cold, but heat was beating my skull in.

"Good. Night. Chit... Chitoge..."
I let out before closing my lead weight eyelids.

"No!! Stay with me Raku!!!"
She screamed.

"Help!!! Someone help!! My Raku... He is gonna die!!! You fucking bastards!!! Help my boy!!! He is gonna die!!!"
She was balling her eyes out.

I glanced faintly at her.
Using my dying strength to grab her hand...


"Wait for what!!"
She sniffles.

"I'll be waiting for you..."

Her eyes were now drowning.

My head beat like I was having a migraine but yet there was no pain.

My body was slowly freezing.
So this was what hypothermia was like.

I felt a hand on my head.

"Jesus Christ! You are cold!" Chitoge immediately bounded down to me and tried to get me warm, it was no use... My conciousness is slowly fading away.

My vision turned to black, my last memory... Chitoge's whimpers.

Heyyy! So... That just happened.
Don't worry there will be a next chapter.
Raku... Hypothermia... Well he has had better days.

ANYWAY. SOOOOORY for not putting anything up for a while, no motivation and I've been writing 4 other Stories, when they come out, you should give them a read ;)

All I can say, is sorry, there will be more, but don't rely on a 2 week interval like most of the earlier chapters

Finally, this almost skipped my mind but when I uploaded Chapter 12 this story had 720 views. Since then we almost doubled that and I haven't even uploaded a chapter :')
So this is a giant congrats to all my fans (if you aren't pissed off with me) and me due to 1,360 views!


Until next time
Strawberry Blonde Bitch- a.k.a Aydan Leroux

Nisekoi: True Love? (Nisekoi Fanfic)                 -Completed-जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें