4. Unexpectancy

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The light invaded my eyes as the opened for the first time since late last night. I have to admit that was the best sleep I had in ages.
Then I remembered. "Chitoge?"
And I saw her still snuggled up to me.
I smiled.
I checked my phone.
Shit! It was almost 10.

I slowly moved replacing her personal cushion (me) with an actual cushion.
And got up and put on a shirt.

"Ra..ku..?" A drowsy voice managed to say.

"Shhh... Go back to sleep Chitoge."

"mmkay..." She said then drifted back off.

I opened the door, and to my surprise there was about 6 of the Beehive gang goons.
"so how did Young miss go last night..."
One curiously asked.

"What!?" I was slightly confused.

"You know...
The stuff boyfriends and girlfriends do when they are alone.
In a room. 
With candles lit...
And then..."

"No! That didn't happen!? What the hell!? We are too young!" I told them.

"Never to young once you reach your teens Young Sir.
Remember we don't see nothing wrong with a little bump and Grind..."
They winked, that last line they said was in English so I have not a clue what they just said.

As I walked down the stairs the large door knocked.
It must be Chitoge's Otōsan back from Kyoto with Tsugumi.
A bit early, but we are all in gang families so we always have to be on an hour-ahead Schedule.

I dismissed the goons rushing to the door.
"I'll get it guys."

As I walked up to the door, I gulped.
Chitoge's Otōsan does like me but I always get nervous around him...
Well here I go...

I opened the large door with a creak and to my surprise it was not Otōsan or Tsugumi for that matter.

A girl with Dark brown hair and innocent brown eyes stared at me in complete confusion.

"Chi... Ichijo-Kun!!" She gasped.

"Onodera-San!!" I gasped.

Oh no... Could not of been in a more terrible situation.

"Ichijo-kun... What are you doing here...?" She asked with a distraught look on her face.

"Uhhhh... I slept over..."
I had to look away, I could not face her.

"Why?" She questioned.

"Because the Sleepover was last night..." I answered unconfidently.

"But... You..." She then came close to me.
"You aren't really dating Chitoge-chan are you?!" She whispered, with a concerned tinge on her voice.

"No!" I told her.

She sighed.
"Where is Chi..."

"Raku!! I'm so sorry I fell asleep on you last night! It was just so comfortable. Thanks for putting up with my bad sleeping habits, if I beat you up last night." Chitoge said running down the stairs.

"Who's at the door Raku?"

"You guys slept together..." Onodera cried in a whisper.

I can't tell Onodera-San that me and her both feel asleep on the lounge while she hugged up to me!

"Raku?" Chitoge said walking up behind me and putting her hands on my hips.

I went a very very deep shade of red. I have never been more embarrassed since I saw Haru-san's underwear...

Nisekoi: True Love? (Nisekoi Fanfic)                 -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now