5. Torabaru...

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"Is everyone here!?" Yui-sensei our homeroom teacher yelled out.
We all gathered around the bus ready to board it.

"So Ichijo-Kun is sitting next to Onodera-San." Sensei called out.

What... I'm sitting next to Onodera... My heart pounded but in a way I felt guilty.

"If you don't like the seating plan then you can change it but don't mid drive."
We all said yes then proceeded to jump on.

I sat near the window, Onodera sat in the seat next to me.
Chitoge sat in the same row right in front but on the aisle seat and next to her was... Tachibana...
Behind us was Ruri and Maiko sitting together, and Maiko was annoying the shit out of Ruri as always.
And finally Tsugumi who got back late yesterday afternoon just after I left, was sitting by her self across the aisle. I feel sorry for Tsugumi sometimes she is really misunderstood...

Then I felt a tug on my shoulder. "Uhhh... Gomenasai for leaving so abruptly yesterday, Ichijo-Kun can you forgive me..." She started to blush heavily...
What if she really does like me...
Should I feel this empty if she actually does...
Because right now I feel so empty. I have no idea why.

"Don't worry about it Onodera-san... How is your sister."

"Haru is fine. Her fever has stopped and we believe she is ready to go to school tomorrow... But yeah. What happened after I left?" She asked with a slightly concerned smile.

I blushed then Chitoge looked at my for the first time since we... Kissed...
Then Tachibana opened her mouth.
"Raku-Kun and Kirisaki-San..." She was cut off by Chitoge covering her mouth.

"that's enough you delusional spoilt brat..." Chitoge laughed sarcastically.

"Mmmmppphhhh!!!!" Tachibana struggled against Chitoge's gorilla grip.

"Nothing happened!" I said very jaggedly.

Onodera slanted her head a bit but then dismissed it.

"It's gonna be a long drive..." I thought to myself.


We made it to our first stop. It was about 10:30 2 hours after we left and we still had another 3 hours to travel...

We got out at this Parkside restaurant, and we were told to stay around the park area for 10 minutes to stretch our legs and have a bite to eat if we are hungry.

Chitoge was using the toilets and Tachibana was in line as well.

"Ichijo-Kun... I have some sweets Haru made... Do you want some?"
I blushed...
I love the Onodera family sweets so much, in fact I actually worked out their Japanese Sweet shop for a day.

"Of course I do Onodera-san..." I smiled.

"Ko..s...ki" she muttered.

I did not understand a word she said.

"Call me Kosaki... Please... If you don't mind..."

I can't believe Onodera is telling me to call her by her first name!!! Oh my god! I've long awaited for day to come.

"Same call me Raku... Ono... I mean Kosaki-san..." I stuttered.

Nisekoi: True Love? (Nisekoi Fanfic)                 -Completed-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora