Chapter 16 (final chapter)

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A/N sorry for the terrible edit and the heart in my face bc I looked ugly AS FUCK but I'm still shook okay enjoy the last chapter.

Ethan's POV:

It was magical moment.

It was amazing, a wave of blue hats being thrown into the air, everything seeming to move in slow motion.

I couldn't believe we had made it.

We were here.

Senior graduation.

My gaze shifts to Samantha, god she looks so beautiful.

The biggest grin is spread across her face, ear to ear and she's laughing as her hair sways in a breeze. The light hits her face and makes it glow perfectly.

Everything slowly fades out of slow motion as Samantha turns to me and shouts over the loud screaming of the senior class all around us.

"Oh my god Ethan!!" She runs up and wraps her arms around me neck and jumps. I grab her legs and spin her around. Her face leaves my shoulder and I look into her happy, tearful eyes. She leans in our lips connect.

Everything was so perfect.

She leans out after a while and I set her down. Her arms remain around my neck but looser so she can make eye contact with me. I stare into her eyes and smile.

"Ethan! Ethan we're done with high school! I fucking graduated!!" She shouts with a huge smile. Everything seems to really hit me when she says that, holy shit.

We actually just fucking graduated.

I can't even believe it.

"Babe we did it! We graduated!" I shout back smiling uncontrollably. We both hear a familiar voice screaming and turn to it.

Grayson, of course.

"WOOOO!!! Yeah booiiiii I graduated!!!!" He shouts as he chest bumps a friend in the air.

I turn my gaze back to Samantha and she's shaking her head and smirking playfully. We laugh.

"Typical Grayson," we say in unison.

This is perfect.

Our families come and congratulate us, our moms crying hysterically, etc.

Everyone takes pictures and celebrates some more.

Now we're all just laughing and talking amongst each other.

Sam's laughing as she watches Grayson start to do other crazy shit. I laugh too.

I grab her wrist and she turns to face me, smiling and laughing.

"Come on let's go!" I shout in the heat of the moment.

I pull Samantha's arm and we run to my car.

We ditch the whole scene and our parents let us.

I drive us home, holding Samantha's hand the entire time and smiling into her beautiful brown-green eyes whenever I could.

Just friends - Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now