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The weekend was really fun, I spent the whole thing with Ethan. Now it was Monday and I really didn't want to go to school. The only reason I got up was because I knew I would see Ethan soon. I throw some ripped jeans and a New Jersey T-shirt on. Then I just tie my hair up and put my hoodie on. I wasn't very hungry so I just grabbed an apple off the counter for breakfast and walked into the garage. My mom waved goodbye and I started the car.

I pulled into the driveway a little earlier than usual and walked inside. The twins were eating cereal.

"Wassup fuckersssss," I say playfully, wrapping my arms around Ethan from behind and resting my head on his shoulder. They both laughed a little.

"Nothin much, just dreading the fact that we have to go to fricken school." Ethan says putting a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.

"I know right, wish it was summer already," I say agreeing with Ethan.

"Well at least there's only like a few weeks left," The Twins mom says walking into the kitchen. Shit I hope she didn't hear me cussing. Aw whatever she's heard it before.

"Hey," I say smiling and hugging her.

"Mkay children let's go your taking forever," I say teasing the guys. They put their bowls in the sink and grab their bags.

"Bye mom," Grayson and Ethan say at the same time, closing the door.

"Such twins," I say mockingly because I know they hate when people say that.

"Wow Sam, real original," Ethan says rolling his eyes but smiling at me. Then both of their eyes shoot to the car.

"Shotgun!" Ethan says, sprinting over with Grayson just behind him. They slam against the car door.

"Jesus Christ I would like to keep my car in working condition guys," I say walking over to the other side of the car. We all climb in and I plug my phone into the aux cord and out my playlist on shuffle. Ethan knows my password so he opens my phone and scrolls through my playlist. He changes the song like three times.

"Ethan stop being a little hoe and pick a song," I say laughing at my own words.

"Jeez, I'm sorry fine... Here." He says finally picking a song and laughing. It was Antidote by Travis Scott, of course.

"Ayeee," Grayson says the second the song starts playing. I think Ethan thought I was super focused on the road because I saw him staring at me. He didn't stop staring for a single second.

I pulled into the school parking lot. People stared as always. I didn't care. I learned to except it. Today there was a lot more people staring than usual. Weird. Whatever, I don't really care. Ethan on the other hand looks somewhat flustered. Then I hear someone say;

"There is no way they are 'just friends'," in a bitchy, shady voice. Ethan had it.

"You know what, I'm sick of this shit. I'll give you something to talk about." He spoke loud enough for the spectators to hear clearly. What was he going to do?

Then I felt his hands on my hips. He turned me with his hands and I willingly followed. Ethan smirked and leaned in as if half the school wasn't already watching. He kissed me passionately and tenderly, lovingly his lips caressed mine. It was a pretty long kiss and I heard gasps. Girls started murmuring 'slut' and 'I knew they were a thing,' but I didn't care.
He pulled away, his hand still resting gently on my waist. I caught a glimpse of Grayson's face and his jaw was just dropped. I giggled and blushed. He smiled and with that we walked away, hand in hand, fingers intertwined as the crowd whispered around us.

Just friends - Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now