Chapter 13

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Ayyyyyeeeee first of all sorry for being an asshole in the last few chapters ;)
Maybe I won't be a bitch this time around... Who knows? 😉
Ethan's POV:

I'm able to sleep a little better now that Sam had at least forgiven me. But I don't really sleep, it's like I'm half awake most of the time.

I suddenly woke up, startled in the middle of the night. I picked up my phone and it was 3:00 am, on Saturday morning. I couldn't sleep. I just stared at the darkness all around me.

"You know what, fuck it." I mumble to myself throwing the covers off and swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I hop up and my eyes adjust to the darkness. I grab my hoodie Sam gladly returned a few weeks ago when she was still mad and throw it on. I only had pajama pants on so I kind of needed the warmth. I don't bother to even take my phone, I don't need it. Well maybe I should take my keys just in case... don't want to get locked outside my house. I throw the hoodie over my head and jog downstairs. I know exactly where I'm going.

I jog outside, watching my warm breath form little clouds in the sharp, cold, poisonous nighttime air. I run to the side gate of her house and reach over it to open the latch. I get it open quickly, I've done this a million times.

The gate swings open and I jog through. I hoist myself up onto the roof, for the millionth time. I climb across the roof and everything suddenly feels familiar. I haven't done this in so long, I get a sense of joy from it. Memories flood in and I speed up, I need to get to her. I need her and she needs me no matter how much we both try and deny it.

I get to her window that's open, as it always is. She always has her window open when she sleeps, she likes the outside air.

I peer through and see her, laying on her bed on her side. She looks so perfect when she sleeps but she also looks different, like something's missing. I watch her chest rise and fall light and peaceful for a few moments out side her window. She's always been a heavy sleeper so I could make all the noise in the world and it would be fine.

I push myself through her window and place a foot on the cold hardwood floor. Everything is coming back, like we never broke up. Like I'm sneaking into her room in the middle of the night as always.

I just stand in the middle of her floor and watch her sleep for a moment, not able to move yet. But everything feels so natural right now so I just go for it.

I walk over to the bed and place an arm and leg over her, and then slowly roll onto her bed next to her. I had to climb over her to get on the side of the bed but she didn't wake up.

Typical Sam.

I slide my arm under hers and let it rest naturally over her.

It feels so amazing and so right. I needed this so bad.

I scoot closer and spoon her like old times. I love this so much.

I'm able to fall asleep within moments after feeling her in my arms.

Samantha's POV:

I slowly fade out of sleep and open my eyes lazily.

The sun is shining through my partially open blinds, making streaks on my wall. It's quiet and peaceful.

I'm filled with an amazing feeling I haven't felt in forever and I'm not sure why. I just feel... Normal again. Then I realize why.

Just friends - Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now