An Amazing Day

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So this is my second fan fiction ever, but I guarantee it will be really good. If you're into Dolan twin fan fics, check out my first one, 'Life Changer' 😊
Also just so you know I've altered some facts and stretched some truths about the twins in this story to make it more interesting, so if you come across something about them that isn't true, that's why. Hope you enjoy! 💕

Hey I'm Samantha, I'm 16 and live in Long Valley New Jersey. I have an amazing life here at the moment, other than some ongoing drama about me and my best friend. You probably think it's nothing, just some silly high school gossip. The thing is, it's not just the people at my high school who talk about us and our relationship, it's also about 2.5 million people who I don't even know. That's because my best friend is Ethan Dolan, he's vine famous if you didn't know. I've know the Dolan twins since kindergarten, our families really like each other and we've grown really close. Now I'm in high school and the twins blew up on vine over the years, so I have to deal with that minor detail. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the twins, it's just that everyone and their mother think Ethan and I are dating. Heck, I wish we were dating! He doesn't know this, but I used to have a crush on him but I've let that go. I mean I still have feelings, I just don't let them bring me down. There is no way he'll ever be interested. Anyway,

It was a Friday morning and I had to go to school. I was so ready for this weekend! It's currently May and school will be out in less than a month. Summer is so close, yet so far... I need summer! I roll out of bed, trying to wake myself up.

Ding ding! My phone went off. I knew it was Ethan, he always texted me in the morning. I loved his texts, they made me actually get out of bed in the morning.

Ethan: Hey Sam! Get up! I need you to come to school today, I can't deal with the irrelevant hoes there without you! 😂💕
Me: lmao Ethan I love you 😂
ME: Okay fine you win 😋
Ethan: K 😂 see you at school 😑🔫
Me: well at least it's Friday! Cya later. ✌🏻️

I sit there smiling at my phone for a minute, God I was a creep. Finally I jump in the shower and then blow dry my long, thick, ombré brown/ dirty blonde wavy hair. I finally decide on a black halter top, high waisted acid wash jean shorts and my black vans, leaving my hair down. My mom calls me downstairs for breakfast but I wasn't really hungry. My parents got me a really nice car for my birthday a few months back, which was a black jeep. It was used but still in really nice condition, I was so thankful for it. My parents have never spoiled me with super nice things so this was really special. Grabbing my backpack, I head out the door and jump in my car, plugging my phone into the auxcord. Then I drive to the twin's house, they literally live a block away. I see Ethan and Grayson waiting for me on their doorstep. Ethan's eyes light up when he sees me pull into the driveway.

"Sam!" Ethan shouts as if he hadn't seen me in years.

"Hey bups!" I hop out of the car and hug both of them. We all jump in the car, Ethan in the passenger seat and Grayson in the back.

"I know I say this everyday, but you're car is dope." Grayson says with a smile.

"Yeah, I know, is pretty legit." I reply, laughing.

"You did not just say legit." Ethan said, dying from laughter, making everyone laugh.

"Yeah guys check out my new ride it's pretty legit." Ethan said, mocking me in a funny voice that sounded nothing like me. He's hilarious.

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