Chapter 10

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We got out of the shower, I let her go first.

It was pretty much silent for a pretty long time, but not in a bad way or anything.

"Babe you sure you even really want to go out, I'm fine with staying here," I say once we are dressed and about to leave.

"Yeah, I need to get out of this house I've been cooped up too long." She says opening the front door and turning back to me as if to see if I was okay. I only want what's best for her, she still seems emotional.

"Okay let's go then," I say following her out the door.

She starts walking toward the empty field near the woods but then stops.

"Actually is anyone home at your place?" She asks turning on one heel to face me.

"Um... Right now no, just Grayson." I reply a little confused by the question.

"Then could we maybe go there?" She asks walking toward me.

"Yeah sure, I'm fine with whatever." Her face brightens up a bit. She walks over and links arms with me, giving me a cute smile. Then her arms falls so that our hands intertwine.

We walk over to my house which is super close. I open the door and Grayson is sitting on the couch.
He turns to face the door almost immediately.

"Sam!" Grayson shouts excitedly. He jumps up and runs over to Sam, giving her a big hug. I don't blame him, I've missed her too.

"Haha hey Gray," she says laughing with her chin on his shoulder. He pulls out of the hug with his hands on her shoulders, still smiling.

"I missed that smile so much," he says and she giggles. He hugs her again.

My entire family loves Sam so much, especially Grayson and I. It was really hard for all of us when she kind of shut us out, we're not used to Sam being depressed for that long. I've never seen her sad for more than a few days, and our longest fight maybe lasted a week. Probably less than that actually.
She's always so happy now.

There was only one other time when Sam shut us out, but she never explained why.

She missed a lot of school and stayed at home, avoiding everyone and was really protective of her body. I remember when she finally let us back in her life, I couldn't even hug her, she would flinch. But that was freshmen year.

Then everything suddenly connected, I realized.

That must have been when she was...

How did I not know?! Jesus Ethan how could you be so stupid? It kills me that I wasn't there for her, to protect her from that asshole.

I had zoned out from what Grayson and Samantha were talking about until Sam turned to me.

"Movie?" She asks and I slowly fade out of my thoughts. They're both looking at me waiting for a response.

"Yeah, sure." I nod my head and walk over to the couch with them. I can't stop thinking about Samantha and our past together... It makes me feel like shit. I wish I was there for her, I wish I could be with her earlier in our lives. I wish I could protect her. I feel useless.

Sam picks what I think is a horror movie and Grayson turns out the lights and closes the blinds in the windows around the room. Sam grabs a blanket for us and sits down next to me, Grayson on the other end of the couch near but not next to her. Grayson hits play on the Netflix movie and Sam snuggles up to me. I swing my arms over her shoulders and let my hand lightly rest on her waist, her head on my shoulder.

Just friends - Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now