Chapter 12

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Ethan's POV:

A few weeks have passed and Samantha still isn't talking to me. Neither is Grayson or my sister now that's he knows what happened. I'm depressed... Worse than ever before. Every day I live in fear of what Mason is going to do to Samantha. I haven't told anyone what really happened because no one will actually listen or ever believe me. What's the point anymore?

He hasn't made a move yet and it scares the shit out of me. He stares at her in hallways and it pisses me off. I want to murder him. No matter how much Samantha or Grayson push me away, when he does do something I'm going to protect her.

I miss Sam so much, she hasn't left my mind a single time. I need her right now. I need her to at least know what really happened.


I'm in the hallway between classes getting my books for my next class. Samantha's locker is pretty far down the hallway but I can see her. This is the first time I've seen her win out Grayson around school. The hallway is empty except for us. Mason approaches her. I watch from the corner of my eye as I pretend to be doing something in my locker.

"Hey baby," he says leaning up against the locker next to hers. He has the most sickening smirk on his face. I already want to attack him. She may not be my girlfriend anymore but you don't talk to her that way.

"Don't fucking call me that Mason." She says grabbing a last thing out of the locker and slamming it. She proceeds to walk the other way, in my direction, looking down. She hasn't seen me yet.

"Aye babe where ya going?" Mason grabs her wrist and spins her around.

"I said leave me alone." Sam says firmly, I know she's scared but you can't tell by her voice or actions, she's a strong girl.

"And why should I do that?" He asks smirking sickly at her again. He looks her up and down and moves just a little too close. I start walking over, my pace picking up little by little until.

"Don't move." He whisper/yells harshly through gritted teeth as he reaches for her shirt. I break out into a sprint and punch him hard across the jaw just before he touches her.

I don't stop there. We break out into a full fight, Sam screaming for me to stop in the background. I end it with a hard punch to his nose and it bleeds.


I'm sitting in the office now waiting for the principal.

Mason is sitting next to me and I wish I'd hurt him even more. He would be the nurses office right now if that teacher didn't catch us fighting.

Mason gives me a quick glare as he hold a paper towel to his bloody nose. I ignore him.

The principal opens his office and gestures for us to come in. He doesn't look happy at all.

"So I don't know what happened or who started it and I don't care, you both know that is unacceptable." He says to both of us firmly. Then he turns to me.

"And you Mr. Dolan, I'm very disappointed in you." I slouch and look down. Yeah I guess I'm kind of known by the school as a good kid, I have good grades and I'm one of the best on the football team. But I don't care about my reputation anymore. I just want Sam to be okay, I want my baby back. And I don't care how fucking cheesy that sounds, I need her.

Just friends - Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now