"Yes." I say and she looks at us confused.

"What is it now?" she asks.

"Both. We're going to have twins." Harry says and her jaw drops.

"Twins?" she asks and we nod.

She goes over to us and pulls us into a tight hug.

"That's amazing." she says and we smile.

"But it's going to be so hard." I say.

"Yeah but I know that you two can do it." she says.

"Thank you." I say smiling and she kisses our cheeks.

"So you'll have a boy and a girl." she says and we nod.

"Do you already have names?" she asks and shake our heads.

"You should think about it soon." she says.

"I know, we'll be upstairs." I say and we go upstairs.

I close the door of my room behind us and we sit down on my bed.

"What do you want to do now?" Harry asks.

"I just want to cuddle." I sigh and he pulls me into his arms.

We lay down and I snuggle my face into his chest with my fists to my chin.

"Do you know how cute you are?" he asks and I shake my head.

"I'm not cute." I say and he chuckles, his chest vibrating against my face.

"You are, Boobear." he says and kisses my head.

The next day:

I wake up, cuddled into Harry's strong arms and the room is dark. We're still wearing the clothes we wore yesterday and I can't remember we closed the curtains yesterday. I can't even remember that we fell asleep. Suddenly there's a silent knock on the door and my mom steps into the room.

"Good morning." she whispers smiling and hands me a cup of tea.

"Thanks." I whisper and she sits down on a chair across from the bed.

"You two are really cute." she says and I smile.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"What are you going to do today?" she asks.

"I'm going to meet Harry's family." I say and take a sip of my tea, placing the cup on the table next to the bed afterwards.

"Really? They still don't know you?" she asks and I nod.

"This will be a shock for them or do they at least know about you?" she asks.

"They know that I'm his boyfriend but nothing else." I say.

"That's going to be interesting." she says smirking and I nod.

Suddenly Harry moves next to me, groaning a bit. He pulls me closer to him by the waist again because I turned around to talk with my mom so I'm not that close to him anymore. He holds me tightly and nuzzles his face in my neck and shoulder from behind.

"Good morning sweetheart." I say quietly and I can feel him smile against my shoulder.

"Morning." he mumbles sleepy.

"How did you sleep?" I ask, turning around so I'm facing him.

"Good and you babe?" he asks.

"Pretty good. i'm just nervous because of meeting your family today." I say.

My New Teacher [Larry - Student/Teacher] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now