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Jax pov
As soon as I finished eating I threw away my garbage and walking to the elevators.

I clicked the button for the fifth floor. I walked down the hallway to Emma's Room.

The door was open Now so I walked in. Imma was lying on the bed. She was passed out. She had a bandage wrapped around the side of her head from the glass windshield breaking.  She had cuts all over her arms and legs. And her baby bump was still there.

I was praying right there that my new baby would live. I sat down on the chair. Carefully I picked up Emma's cold hand and placed it in mine.

"I love you baby girl please get better please" I spoke softly into her Ear "I love you more than you will ever know"

Emma then started to scream. "help help " I screamed for help as I ran into the hallway

Two doctors ran in and started immediately trying to calm her down. As I ran to her side water started to trip from my eyes. I knew I couldn't control it.

I grabbed her hand. "please calm down baby girl"
"please please stop you gonna hurt yourself its just me"

"please please don't hurt me" she yelped
I'm so sorry for the lack of updates. I've been really busy. This week I'm going camping but I will update next week I promise. Comment why you think emma is so upset. 💕kat💕

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