chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Zayn P.O.V

''The ride is taking too long! Where are they living?!'' I groaned

''I didn't know it'll be that long my friend gave me the address'' Emily sighed ''Between you and me I think they're strange like not even living on earth'' She murmured making me giggle

Memories came to me.

''I didn't know you look good in black clothes'' I winked to her

She gigled and blush. Cute

After 20 minutes we arrived finally.

''I'll be waiting for you here'' I told her

''Please come with me'' She stuttered ''I wont take time''

I can't resist her puppy face.

''I can't say no to this face'' I got off the car and held her hand.

She grinned.

As we came closer she squeezes my hand tightly.

The funeral was in a huge garden , people were dressed like in 90 century , scary quietness filling the place.

I felt shiver inside my body. 

The family must be the ones beside the coffin.

An old man must be his father , An old lady maybe his aunt or the maid and A young lady I think she's his wife , she looks like someone I know. She turned slowly her face was looking at me.


She looks like...............She's Sophia!

Sophia's P.O.V

Harry was more than an amazing man. I'm really sorry for his death. I've to admit that the time I lived with him he never mistreated me , always doing what I want , he sometimes loses his nerves like his father.

We knew that day will come now or then and we have to accept that.

I know he loved me , he always did. But I didn't return back his feelings , I'm always sure that I love only one man in my life , who showed me all the beautiful things in life Love  faith  Happiness.

The funeral made me sick , I'm not sure that all the people here came for Harry or his father. Harry was a good person but most people hate his father actually hate the whole psycho family.

I wanted badly to run away of course not to him , he probably hates me now for what I did. I can't from the last time I saw him say his name. I feel guilt and sin.

I think now our deal is over Harry's dead so I think his father will leave me alone finally.

Briefly..... Harry was a good man who loves me but I didn't love him back although I tried so hard.

I was peeking around the funeral can't take it anymore , all the words people say and don't mean it. 

My eyes fell on a hazel man , focusing I gasped......It can't be no no no no. It's him.


I couldn't believe my eyes , I couldn't move , I couldn't breath , I felt that something preventing from moving , from breathing. I was incapable of doing anything. paralyzed.

I found his beautiful hazel eyes staring at me. I felt shudder through me.

I didn't realize that I miss him so much until this moment.

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