chapter 4

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Chapter 4

''Coffee?'' Zayn handed Sophia an espresso

''Thanks'' She said smiling ''How nice this park , I really like it'' she said looking around examining it

''I like this place so much , just the view '' Zayn said looking around

''Incredibly Amazing'' Sophia continued looking startled

They sat on the bench , just little close to each other

''So,tomorrow's party , are you excited?'' she asked with her big cute smile

''Yeh, I use to go every year , the truth is, this party is Mr Macward birthday party , but he really doesn't like to mention this , he hates getting old '' Zayn said and Sophia giggled a little , he looked at her and smile , this is their third day together , mainly helping her with her job and talking more , he sarted to notice how cute she is.

''You know you have to meet Liam , our third best friend , we are like brothers '' Zayn said

''Is he coming tomorrow?'' Sophia asked

''Yeh, and his girlfriend Amy too , they are nice couple'' 

''I'd love to meet them'' She said smiling '' And don't have a girlfriend?'' she asked looking to him , now they were looking to each other

''I'm waiting for the true love...mainly'' He said

''WOW! true love!'' Sophia exclaimed , he shakes his head

''So, what your theory about love or finding the one'' she asked smiling and interested to know

''My theory about love : A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy. , for George Jean Nathan actually'' Zayn said giving his stunning smile

''You have an interesting theory , men love women to be beside them and for their care , but you love a woman for her tender she has'' 

''You know women have a great tender and a great strength , but they hide most of them , to show men they are strong as them'' Zayn explained

''You know...I have never heard anything like this before , I see why you believe in true love'' She said really impressed

''You don't believe in true love?'' Zayn asked a little bit surprised

''I don't know , not really. I didn't experience this before , but I see that who have a great loving heart like you the woman that will fall in love with them will be lucky'' Sophia said smiling to him

He can see how beautiful her eyes looks.

''You know love is easy unlike everyone says , If you love someone you'll know the small details that annoys him and try not to do it and the little things he loves and try to do it. Easy , it's all about little things'' Zayn finishes and smiles at her

''This theory is better'' She smiled

''It isn't a theory it's a fact'' He looked at the beautiful view and leaned his back against the bench

''You know you have a lot of other things you are endowed at'' she said smiling ''You know, I have a theory too'' she said smiling

''If you don't love what you're doing leave it'' she said looking at him

''What do you mean?'' he asked

''You don't love being an architect'' she said


she looked at him raising her eyebrow

''Okay , kind of'' He finally gave up admitting it

''So! why don't you quiet and find something you love?!'' she exclaimed

''It's not easy-''

she cut him off ''No,you're afraid of taking any bravery step'' giggling a little




''Yes'' this time she said with a lot more confidence , letting him give up

He isn't afraid , maybe he needs some courage , but likely Zayn Malik is a giude rod , who doesn't like taking a lot of risky steps. Just a Unique man.

Hi Guys! Hope you like this chapter , I'm kind of taking things slowly ,but I hope you enjoy. :D

Comments Please. xoxo

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