chapter 25

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Chapter 25

February 16

''Okay I'll finish and meet you there'' I hang up the phone with Louis

After work I was going to meet with the boys. The work here's going very well. I got promotion last month. I love this place.

I was waiting for the assistant of Mrs Lilien , the manager of a fashion company , she wanted to see some designs for her comercial.

''Emily is here''

''let her in'' I told my secretary

''Hi I'm Emily''

I lift my eyes to see a pink haired woman standing infront of me.

''Hi'' I grinned ''Come take a seat''

''Uhh thanks'' She grinned ''I-I'm Mrs Lilien assistant'' She stumble

I chuckled ''I know. Wait a minute I'll bring them''

''You'e working here from a long time?'' She asked

''No from 5 months only'' I smirked and handed her the designs

''Wow'' Her eyes widen ''I'm working at Mrs Lilien for two years and it's the first time to ask me to bring anything except her coffee and her clothes''

We giggled.

We kept on talking until Mrs Lilien called her.

''I've got to go'' She smiled disappointedly

Before she go , she turned ''Do you want to get coffee after work?''

''Uhhh sure why not'' I smiled

''Great'' She grinned

Work passed quickly and I called Louis to delay our meeting and explained that Emily asked me to take coffee with her.

The day with Emily was great. She's funny , smart and kind.

We talked about work , I told her about Liam and Louis , she told me about her bestfriend Jessy.


''So she was kind of fliriting with you....'' Liam started

''Yes Liam , but nothing will happen'' I assure him

''Why!'' Louis exclaimed ''I think she likes you'' He winked

I rolled my eyes

''Zayn you must move on'' Liam said

''I just don't want to..''

Louis cut me off ''What about asking her on a date!''

''Louis is right for the first time'' Liam mocked him

''Heeey!'' Louis pretended to be hurt

''A date wont do any harm'' I started

Louis jumped and brought my phone ''Call her now'' He whooped

Liam looked like he agree with Louis.

Just one date & we'll see what will happen.


Emily's picture is on the side.

Sorry the chapter was too short , I promise that the next one will be longer.

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