chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Zayn P.O.V

Couple of weeks had passed. Me and Sophia didn't talk. I decided to let her go. I know it's going to be hard with all the memories , but I've been miserable for days. Now I'm standing in the aisle , being Liam's best man. I'm very excited about their wedding. I know that she may come to their wedding , after all they were friends. But did we were just friends as she said?

''You're going to be fine'' I chuckled 

''I'm not nervous!'' Liam Stumbled and he was for sure lying

''Louis! your late!'' Liam exclaimed

''Relax I'm here now!'' Louis whooped ''He's nervous'' Turning to me giggling

''Stop both of you'' Liam glared at us ''Oh my god , it's time'' 

We heard the music , we took our places , I looked around but there is no any sign of her.

Bridesmaids appeared walking wearing pink dresses

Amy then with her father , beautiful with her wedding dress , shy as usual.

''Stunning'' Liam mumbled

They were looking at each all the time.

Priest smiled and started the wedding vows.

''Now I pronounce you man and wife , you can kiss the bride'' The Priest finished

Liam and Amy were silghtly embaressed , Louis chuckled and mumbled things , I punch him in the arm ''Shut up'' I wishpered

They were perfect for each other after all.


I turned to see Sophia. She was wearing a pastel blue prom dress with a bow and her hair was done in messy updo bun and the bang covering her eyes as usual she looks pretty.

''Hey'' I said surprised

''How are you?'' She smiled

''I'm fine , what about you?''

''I'm good. It has been a while since we met''

My heart pang. Remembering how we broke up , how was I miserable for days , frist trying to call her , the giving up and letting her go , trying to forget , then suddenly appearing in the wedding.

''Long actually......long time'' I replied , trying to smile

''It's a beautiful wedding.'' She smiled ''I loved the vows they made for each other'' 

''You've been there from the begining?'' I asked surprised

''Yes'' She grinned

''I kept looking for you before the ceremony start but you weren't thereee'' I tried to stop but unfortunately she heard that. 

She giggled ''You've been searching for me?''

I probably shouldn't said that.

Thanks god Natalie came. I left before I say something stupid again.

It's nearly noon now , the celebration was now in the garden beside the church.

Slow music started and every couple went to the dance floor.

I found Sophia coming towards me.

I smiled. Nothing to say.

We stood for a while. Talking about Liam and Amy. Guests. Not much.

''Can you please dance with me?'' She asked unexpectedly

''Please this dance'' She blushed

''Sure'' I smirked. Took her hands. Moved to the dance floor. Stood close to each other and started dancing.

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