chapter 6

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Chapter 6

-Sorry Guys For Posting Picture Links That Can't Be Open , I Lately Noticed.

-From Now I'll Post The Pictures On The Side.


Two Weeks Later , Zayn & Sophia were at the park , Still hanging out as friends , Zayn was willing to take the next step , He wants to say that he loves her...Wait does he?

Zayn meditates....He loves her smile , He loves her hair , He loves her taste in music , He loves when she gets nervous , when she laugh , He loves how she licks her lips before she talks , How she supports him , Her 20s style and He loves her weirdness. Yeh, It's official , he loves Sophia.

''You know you can get many ideas here for an animation or hashtags'' Shopia said looking to Zayn

''Really! How?'' Zayn looked at her

''For example , the couple fighting over there'' She said , He looked at them , found a couple fighting and the woman really looks angry

''You can make mimic it in just a funny way , maybe mocking the married couples who fight'' She winked at him

''Maybe.'' He said , he opened his bag and got out a drawing copybook , 10 minutes later , he shows her what he draw.

''This's amazing'' She laughed , He draw a funny couple fighting like what they saw. She took the drawing copy book and went through it.

''You're really good at that , Huh!'' She looked at him. 

''Don't try to convince me'' He shakes his head

''Why not!! You're young , you can start your career with something you love!'' She exclaimed

''Architecture isn't bad'' He said

''Who's talking about this! I'm talking about doing something you love'' Again she exclaimed

When she also gets annoyed she looks good , he thought..

''You know you only live once so, you must do what makes you happy without caring about stability and other things  , just what you see is the right thing'' She stared at him

''I'll consider that'' He smiled , she rolled her eyes

''What about going to a nice place?'' He asked her

''When & where?''

''Tomorrow and the place you're going to like , trust me'' He smiled

She smiled to him ''Anyway , we probably get going now''

''Yes , work'' He said as standing up

He can't wait to tell his friends about what he decided. He's meeting up with the boys tonight.


''Louis Tomlinson , I'll kill you!'' When Zayn entered his apartement , he found liam running after Louis and shouting those words

''What's-What's going on here?!'' Zayn exclaimed

''Do you know what Mrs Tomlinson did!'' Liam said stopped running

''It was nothing'' Louis shouted he was on the kitchen table

Zayn wanted to laugh but he hold on , he wants to be serious

Zayn looked at Liam ''What did he do?''

''He ruined my CDs and ate Amy's present!'' Liam shouted

''It didn't taste delicious anyway'' Louis exclaimed

Liam runs towards Louis , Zayn quickly hold Liam back 

''Amy's present?!'' Zayn raised his eyebrow

''I made a cake for her for our anniversary'' Liam told Zayn

''Ohhh'' Zayn blushed teasing Liam

Liam glared at the boys

''Okay..Okay'' Zayn giggled ''But what are you both doing in my appartment?'' 

They were going to meet starbucks.

''I wanted to give you back your shoes , your CD , your book , your jacket..'' Liam said

''When did I gave you all that!'' Zayn exclaimed

''I borrowed them...a while'' Liam said ''Uh, and I made the cake here because Amy was home and I didn't want to ruin the surprise'' Liam said coughing a little to hide the last part

''And you Mrs Tomlinson..'' Zayn looked at louis holding back a laugh

''! , I just came when I heard someone in your apartment and I found out that 's Liam and his not delicious cake'' Louis said stretching his shoulders.

When he realized that both Zayn and Liam were staring at him , he got down quickly and started running , they were after him

After 15 minutes of shouting , running , giggling.

Zayn opened the door ''Out'' Pointing at Liam and Louis

''What! you're expelling us!'' Liam exclaimed

''Yes'' Zayn said , Louis giggled.

'' You ruined the apartment. So, you're going to wait out till I finish cleaning and dressing and then we can go out and for this while you two will stay out without even hissing'' Zayn continued galring at them

''Oh Mrs Puff this is harsh!'' Louis said pretending to be crying

''Yes , I'm bad'' Zayn rolled his eyes , getting them out

He kept on laughing about the whole thing. Maybe they are a mess , but to him they are the best in the world.

Hi Guys! Hope you like this chapter :D

Comments Please :D

I'll update soon.

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