chapter 13

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Chapter 13

''Tell me again what do you want to buy?'' Zayn asked Sophia as they entered the home center

''I want to buy a dinning table and some groceries after that'' Sophia told him 

She was making a party for her brother as he was coming from his tour.

''And then we can eat lunch'' Zayn continued

''That's will be great!'' Sophia smiled and kissed his cheek

They were at the dinning tables section.

''You don't often talk about your family and especially having a brother..'' Zayn looked at Sophia

''What can I mum and dad don't get well together very much and my brother is my life , he's one year bigger than me , he was my brother , friend , my everything.''

''So, you're having a strong relationship with him'' Zay said

Sophia nodded ''Yes , very strong actually- was- ''

Zayn held her hand , she continued '' Each one of us wanted to get away from this house, it was unbearable , they wanted us to be just like them and they wanted to choose our job, our life. So , my brother joined a band and went really well , they sing in clubs and near downtowns , and we started growing apart. He promised me to be always beside me , and I haven't seen him for 3 years , he really can keep his promise'' She laughed disappointed

''So, I left the house and came here to find a job, though I didn't get any phone calls from him.Then from two days he calls me and tells me he's coming to see me, apparently he missed me'' Sophia said in a mocked tone

''From where he got your phone number and knew were do you live'' Zayn asked

''Dad'' Sophia rolled her eyes ''You know when someone is everything to you and suddenly leaves , leaving you all alone , miserable....alone'' Zayn wiped Sophia's tears ''You know how mad I'm at him , but at the same time I really want to forgive him , really I want.'' Sophia rustle

''People sometimes are forced to do things , maybe what they see is the right thing , maybe its hard , maybe it wasn't what he wanted , you can put in mind that he maybe had to do this'' Zayn told Sophia

''And leave me all alone?!!'' Sophia was really hurtted

''You're not alone,I'm with you'' Zayn hugged her

She wiped her tears and smiled,her eyes were shinning,he loves her bright blue eyes.

''There is nothing here,lets go and search over there'' She ran to the other side.

She was wearing a navy blue peter pan dress and her hair was left in loose curls.

After half an hour,she found a larde white table and bought it and they went to the groceries shop.


After hour,they finished and went to a near pizza restaurant.

''What are you going to choose?'' Sophia asked Zayn

''I'll take chicken barbecue.You?'' 

''I think I'll take sausage'' Sohpia said looking at the food menu


They ordered their food and drinks.After 20 minutes the order came.

''What about your family? have any brothers,sisters..?'' Sophia asked Zayn

''I have one sister , she's bigger than me by 4 years , Doniya , she married and has a 2 years old son.'' Zayn grinned

Sophia listened in interest.

''My dad is pakistan,but I was born here'' Zayn continued

''Really!" Sophia exclaimed 

Zayn smiled and nodded.

''Ohhhh,I want to meet them'' Sophia said excited

''Sure,maybe we can go next week'' Zayn smiled can't hide his excitement

''Great'' Sophia jumped excited


''Omg! Sophia!'' a man from behind her exclaimed

''Mark!'' Sophia said surprised

''How are you? It's been like forever when I saw you last time'' The man seems to be loud a bit.

''I'm fine,What are you doing here? I thought you was in California'' Sophia asked him,still surprised

''I'm here in work and-'' She cut him off,he seems to be a little garrulous

''Mark,this is Zayn.Zayn,Mark was my friend in high school'' Sophia introduced them to each other

''Hi! Nice to meet you'' Zayn shaked his hand with him

''Me too.'' Mark exclaimed

He kept on talking about his job as a doctor and the high school memories. Finally his phone rang and he had to go.Excusing himself he left,after a long conversation.

''He's such a talkative man'' Zayn rolled his eyes. Obviously Zayn doesn't like him very much,Sophia can see that.

''He's maybe a little bit garrulous,but he isn't that bad.I didn't expecting to see him anyway'' Sophia told him

''Lets go'' Zayn stood and walked to the door

He didn't said anything on the whole ride back home.

As soon they entered her apartment ''I can't believe you're annoyed from this stupid conversation'' Sophia exclaimed angrily

''ThisStupidConversation'' Zayn repeated what she said in frustration ''This man been flirting with you the whole time'' Zayn shouted

''He was just my friend in high school'' Sophia said defending herself

''Really! he seems to me that he wasn't just a friend'' 

''I didn't date him in high school or anyone , I don't date at all''

Now they were both shouting

''You should have respected thet I was there''

''Ohhh! this's all over again! that's why I told you I don't like that boyfriend and girlfriend thing!'' Sophia shouted walking around the room

''That's the problem! that I get jealous!!!'' Zayn exclaimed

''This is insane! That's a stupid fight'' Sophia continued

For the first moment Zayn noticed they were having their first fight. Their real First Fight! 

Zayn came closer to her and said in a very normal tone ''When you can feel what love is,then you can understand why do I get jealous'' and he left closing the door behind him.

She was left with all her thoughts around her.

Does she was right?

Does he was right?

Did she misuderstand him?

Did he misuderstand her?

Did she really knows love when she's with him or not?


I really didn't expected that I'll write till this far!

What do you guys think?

Comment and Vote.I really hope you like this chapter.xoxo

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