chapter 24

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  • Dedicated to Yasmine Ahmed

So Here's the main chapter in the book! 

I reall hope you like it. x

Comments & Votes Please <3


1st September

It has been a month since I quit my job. What I learned from Sophia is to follow my dream and do what makes me happy.

Today I'm having an interview in the company I dreamt working in it. I really hope it goes well. It has been my dream for years.

I know I was miserable for weeks. I was shocked when I heard she's engaged. Now I got it. I started memorizing when she kept pushing me away and ruining our relationship without telling me why.

She moved on now and it's me now to move on with my life.

Still don't understand why she did that.

I wish I can get an explanation.

There are many questions on my mind.

The lads didn't left me. They are the main reason I survived with all the mess.

I'm sitting in the park not for the last time. It has been a long time since I came here.

I was drowning in my thoughts till I felt someone watching me.

I turned my eyes to see Sophia. She was the last person I expected to see her.

She was in a mess. She looks very wimp.

''Hi'' She said quietly


''I knew from Liam that I'll find you here'' She said moving and taking a seat beside me.

I didn't reply.

''I heard you're having an interview today.'' there was a silence ''I hope you get the job , you deserve it'' She continued

''Thank you'' I tried not to show any emotion on my face.

Frustration   Sympathetic  Furious  Confused 

All those emotions were running inside me.

''I know you are mad'' Sophia started '' That's why I didn't tell you''

''Tell me what! That you're engaged when we were together'' I exclaimed

''Tell me you kept lying to me all this time''

''You oppressed us'' I groaned

''First you refused to be my girlfriend and after some time I find you going to be a wife for another person without any explanation to me'' I waved my hand in frustration

''There are a lot of things going on and you are refusing to tell me.....don't I deserve to know the truth?'' This time I look to her 

''I'm really sorry'' She whimpered and her eyes never left mine

''I knew that this was going to happen one day and that's why I refused to be in a relationship with you at first'' 

''I'm going to tell you everything. But promise me you will forgive me and don't try to do anything about it'' 

I wanted to tell her that I miss her and I'm forgiving her and whatever she will say I can take it. But nothing come out.

She sigh.

Tears starting falling from her eyes.

''My father started a business with his friend , their business was going very well , till my father knew that his friend was doing illegal business with one of the biggest Businessman , so my father wanted to disassemble their partnership , but he couldn't because he found out that they weren't alone , his friend partnered with them the businessman , because he makes the transfering of the commodity easy.''

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