"That reminds me," I started while grabbing a slice of pizza. "Weren't we going to have lunch together?"

"Oh! Yeah, we were, but they called the guys in early so they could watch the auditions for their new music video." Liam explained.

"Oh, cool." I said. I don't know if I was happy or sad about that. I was upset that my time got cut short with them, even though it was only a couple hours, but I understand. And, it's good for them to be making another music video.

Before I knew it, I had eaten a whole slice of pizza and I had to stop myself from grabbing another slice from the cardboard box.

"So Jasmine, what kind of experiences have you had with these boys?" Zayn asked curiously.

I though about a couple different stories to tell and started talking.


"This other time the guys screamed like little girls because of a spider." They all laughed. "I thought someone was hurt! I came running in here from the bathroom to find them all backed into a corner, scared out of their minds! I asked them what happened and they screamed at me telling me there was a spider. I grabbed a shoe to kill it and Calum yelled 'NO DONT GO OVER THERE ITS FONNA EAT YOUR FACE OFF!!!'" I imitated Calum's face and scream. "I killed it and they looked like they were gonna piss themselves 'cause they were so scared!" I laughed and noticed they were all laughing really hard.

"They got that scared because of a spider?!?!" Harry laughed.

I nodded and they burst we out into another fit of giggles.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled with a mischievous smile.

"What?" Louis asked.

"Does anyone have a fake spider?" I smirked.

"Yeah! I have one in the tour bus!" Louis said while running out the door.

"Do you have a plan?" Liam asked.

-Harry's POV-

I could see what Michael was talking about when she just stared into space. You will see what I mean when it happens. She just stares at nothing without moving. Snap her out of it as soon as you see it happen. I did as he asked when it happened.

Right now I can see what he meant by her eyes. As soon as she started telling funny stories, her eyes where brighter. Not by much, but enough you could tell.

I had texted the boys telling them what Michael told me, and you could tell they saw her eyes too.

"Do you have a plan?" Liam asked.

"I have a plan. A huge plan that involves fright, laughter, and embarrassment." She responded.

"Are you gonna tell us the plan?" Zayn asks.

"Wait for Louis." She said. Right on cue, he walked back into the room with a fake spider.

"What are we doing?" He asked.

"How long do we have until the boys get back?" She asked.

"I would think about 20 minutes. Wow we've been talking for a long time!" I said after checking the time.

"Okay. We put the spider here." She said while setting the spider down. "Someone give me their phone." She demanded. Louis handed her his phone and she set it up against a shelf on one side of the little hall. "Another phone." Zayn handed her his phone and she set it on tee other side of the hall. "Another phone." She said and set it up on a little desk not far from the door. "One more." I handed her mine and she sat it up right across from the door. "Is there any way we could start a twit cam on the boys account without them knowing?" She asked.

"Yep!" Liam said and whipped out his phone. I don't know how he knew their Twitter password and everything, but I decided not to ask questions. "Okay, what now?"

"How much time do we have left?" She asked.

"Less than 5 minutes." Liam said.

"Perfect! Start the twit cam and explain what we are doing, then set your phone beside Harry's." She said.

He did as she asked and started. "Hey guys! It's Liam here! I know you probably expected the 5sos lads, but trust me. This is better! They will be home in around 2 minutes and we are going to prank them! Word is, they're terrified of spiders. Calum thought one was going to eat Jasmines face when she went to kill it! Jasmine come tell them." He said.

"I walked into the living room to see what they were yelling about, and it turns out, it was a spider. Calum said 'NO DONT GO OVER THERE ITS GONNA EAT YOUR FACE OFF!!'" She imitated his yell. We all laughed and set up all of our phones, so they were recording. Liam put the phone down and we hid.

Me and jasmine where right in the bathroom with the door open and the light off, so we would be able to see them, but they wouldn't be able to see us. Now, we wait.

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