Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns all of the Twilight Saga.

Here We Go Again

Chapter Nineteen


I was really getting the hang of this new job. If I don't say so myself, I make a pretty good Tequila Sunrise! I still feel the urge to giggle whenever I'm asked to prepare a Slippery Nipple or a Screaming Orgasm. Luckily I've got away with only one minor giggle fit so far and that was because a fellow bartender called Tony, got hit on by a very drunk middle aged woman who asked him for A Long Slow Comfortable Screw Against The Wall. At the time I didn't know that was a name for a cocktail and burst out laughing in the middle of mixing a Martini. Thankfully Tony forgave me and found comedy in the situation aswell, but only once the woman had left the bar. He said that if he wasn't already gay, that woman would have turned him.

I've only met two of the three people I would be working with behind the bar at The Laughing Moose, as one of the girls, Chloe, is on holiday in spain. So far I had met Tony and snooty Bianca. Bianca was in her late thirties and found everything around her disgusting. I couldn't even begin to fathom why she would want to work in a bar! Every time Tony and I joked around, we were given patronising looks of complete contempt. She didn't bother me, but I sensed Tony was unbelievably grateful for my being hired. He had been stuck alone with her for too long. I was so comfortable in this job that the 3 days I'd worked there so far had been incredibly fun and care free.

It was Thursday evening and I was heading to meet the Cullens after another night at The Laughing Moose. The plan was to meet them outside of the school gates, and then lead them back to my apartment. I would change out of my work clothes and try and be a good host to my guests. I really don't think they understood just how bored they were going to be. All throughout lunch today I had tried to warn them of the anticlimax that will be their impending visit. My apartment would not be as entertaining as they all seemed to believe. At least they were warned. Maybe they could see my place for a few minutes then take me back to theirs for a while.

As I neared the school, I slowed my speed down and looked around for their cars. Of course they were already waiting for me. I spotted Emmett's Jeep parked by the school gates, so I manoeuvred into place infront and flipped my kickstand. I hopped off my bike and made my way over to the open car window. Looking inside I could see them all squished inside the massive car. Emmett was behind the wheel with Rosalie in shot gun. Esme, Jasper and Edward occupied the back seats, with an over excited Alice strapped into one of the extra seats that faced the windows at the side. I found it funny that if Carlisle hadn't had to work this evening, someone else would have been strapped into the back with Alice.

"Why didn't you just bring two cars? You're all squished into here like a tin of sardines!"

Alice stuck her tongue out at me while Emmett ruffled my hair playfully. After I'd swatted his hand away, Edward spoke.

"I know. Trust me this wasn't my idea, but someone refused to travel in anything other than this monstrosity he calls a vehicle and the arguing over everyone else's cars was wasting time. So here we sit. Emmett got his own way. Again."

I couldn't help laughing at Edward who sat sulking like a little kid with his arms crossed angrily, sitting cramped in-between Esme and Jasper.

"Shut it Eddie! My car rules. Get over it!"

We all giggled at Emmett and Edward while Alice continued bouncing in her seat with excitement. Sighing I thought it was best to warn them one more time.

"Look guys, I know I invited you today but really don't have any expectations. You're going to be so bored. How about we just go back to yours? There would be mo.."

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