Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: Twilight is Stephenie Meyer's magnificent creation and if anyone thought differently you should seek medical help.

Here We Go Again

Chapter Nine


My mind was made up. It had taken me five days to sort my jumbled mess of thoughts into anything understandable. I had made it my goal to make eye contact with them at least once a day. How would I come to believe them if I never looked their way. Sincerity and longing shone out from their pleading eyes, it had to be true. My brain fought with the notion, reminding me of the pain I suffered through the last time I had believed their words. I would look away as soon as my mind began screaming at me to leave them be, then close myself off to the world, only speaking when spoken to.

When Friday morning came around I had finally solidified my plan. I would have to speak to them all together some time soon. But as the school day progressed in much the same way as the past few days, my now clear mind could only focus on the looks I was being given. I was obviously being considered mentally unstable by the majority of the female students. They couldn't understand why I would be ignoring the obvious admiration from the hot Edward Cullen. Their shallow minds failed to see how I could be uninterested in his obvious good looks. If only they knew why.

The male students around me seemed to be debating whether or not he was simply not my type, thus opening the playing field wide open for them. As if I would ever be attracted to any of them. They only want one thing.

Worse than the student bodies assessing looks, were the Cullens desperate glances. They had stopped staring, only occasionally looking up as if to check I was still there. The emotions that crossed their faces hurt my hollow heart. Then there was Edward. Even though he never took his eyes away from me, you couldn't class it as staring anymore. The intense desperation was replaced by an almost resigned hopeful gaze. The patient longing within those looks made my chest ache in ways I only vaguely remembered.

I would have to speak with them tonight. I couldn't let things carry on like this. Ripping out a clean sheet of paper from my geometry book, I scribbled down a quick note asking to speak to them tonight. I would leave it on his desk in the last class of the day, then wait for the OK before I leave to go home. It was after all, their house.

As I was the one who requested this gathering, I thought it would be polite to arrive on my bike this time, rather than traipse into their home with my shoes muddy from my run. Also riding my Ducati always calms me down.

Speeding down the highway I tried to think about how this evening would work out. Ideally they would understand what I have to say and let me leave, so I can go on a hunt. Its been weeks since I properly fed. My eyes were too dark for school on Monday.

Making a sharp left onto their long driveway, I slowed down as the big white house came into view. Parking to my right a few feet away from their garage entrance, I hopped off and removed my helmet. I perched it on my seat while fanning my helmet hair out around me. They most definitely know I'm here by now, I may aswell get moving. I picked up my helmet and tucked it under my arm before making my way over to their front door.

Once again, before I could even lift my hand to knock, the door was pulled open by Rosalie.

"Hey Bella. Please come in." I was ushered into the hall while she shut the door behind us. I waited for her to guide me into the living room but she surprised me by wringing her hands together in front of her, looking at me hesitantly.

"What is it Rosalie?"I had to know what would make Rosalie of all people hesitant.

She took a deep breath before blurting out her answer with a small smile on her face. "I absolutely love your bike! When did you get it? The colour scheme is amazing, I've not seen black pearl 205 on any model this year! I bet it rides like a dream. I had an old duca..."

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