Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns these characters I'm just messing with their lives. =]

Here We Go Again

Chapter Five


Reluctantly I put my book down and glowered at the time displayed on the clock sitting above my rickety old chest of draws. 8:23. I'm risking being late as it is, school starts at 9.00. The thought of facing another day in boring Anchorage high is unappealing at the best of times, but knowing who's going to be there, makes the idea of fire and dismemberment rather appealing right now.

Taking a glance back around my nondescript bedroom, I walked through the door gathering my school bag and adding my book and ipod to my 'lunch' and text books. My living room and kitchen is one small pitiful room divided by different coloured carpets to represent each area. Before I moved in, a woman with 2 young children used to live here. How she coped in such a small living arrangement with 2 kids is mind boggling.

Helmet in hand I locked up and walked over to my baby. Pulling my black pea coat closed around my green cap sleeved top and jeans, I hopped on and let my baby roar to life. Racing down the country roads, Anchorage's dense surrounding forest started flashing by.

Even at top speed its very unlikely I'll get there on time. With 5 minutes till the bell rings I needed to speed up or I'd be late. Again...

Stupid traffic! If it wasn't for those idiotic construction workers on Smithew Road I'd have made it on time. Ten minutes late, TEN! I'm definitely not getting away with it this time, maybe a few minutes late would have been fine but this is pushing Mr Lomax's tolerance. I've always managed to charm my way out of tardy slips for a few minutes but this is ridiculous.

Sprinting down the corridors my shoes squeaked against the dirty floors. Flyers tacked to lockers fluttered in my wake as I raced by. If only I could use my real speed! Stopping at the door to Mr Lomax's Physics class I took a deep breath and opened the door stepping into the room.

"and you connect the battery to the... Oh! Nice of you to join us Miss Swan. I don't want to hear your excuses this time, wait after class for your tardy slip. Now take your seat!" as Mr Lomax delivered my punishment and the students snickered at my disgruntled expression, I became aware I was not the only vampire in the room.

Staring at me from the back of the room were Alice, Jasper and Edward. As I stared back in utter astonishment, Alice lifted her tiny hand as if to wave but stopped in her tracks as she took in my angry glare. They had changed schedules! How dare they! Didn't they hear me yesterday. They will leave me alone!

"Miss Swan! Will you please take your seat. Now!" Mr Lomax boomed.

Oh what a surprise, their seats were at the back near mine. I marched to my seat avoiding eye contact with the curious humans. As I silently fumed in my seat I could feel their eyes boring into my head.

"Edward Cullen! Eyes to the front young man. Now could you please tell the class the answer to question 36?" Great now even the teacher notices the staring. At least he'll be looking forward now.

"Sorry sir." His velvety voice replied with fake sincerity.

Figuring now would be the best time to finally look his way as he replied to Mr Lomax, I turned in their direction. Bad move. He still hadn't taken his unwavering gaze away from my face as I'd hoped. His deep golden eyes locked with mine desperately and I couldn't find it in me to look away.

The room could have disappeared around us for all I would know. Electricity hummed in the 10 foot distance between our seats, making my breathing escalate unnecessarily. As his lips parted I imagined walking over to his table and throwing myself into his lap, kissing those soft lips and running my hands through his tousled hair.

Here we go againWhere stories live. Discover now