18. Bridegroom for Princess Daughter

Start from the beginning

Reason is after news broke to us Susan ran away, she was found at her beach house. Alone. She cried and created a lot of drama in front of her dad, causing him to make an agreement in front of her which is...

If she convinced me to say no marriage is off and no one will force us. And at midnight of the second day around 3 am she called me in a super excited manner, informing me this good news. Trust me, I was really, really, really happy with it.

But not everything is so easy, especially in my life you can say. Yesterday, dad came to meet me when I was at home.

He did something because of which mine and Susan's plan went to drain into the ocean. He blackmailed me with most illogical yet important thing in my life.

He'll disinherit me from his will. All my life I work hard to handle this Empire, which my great grandfather built. You know what, who will handle it if it's not me? Let me think my stupid cousins who'll sell it and fill their bank accounts to the extreme extents.

He knows it's only me, yet he is using this against me, but I let it go because it'll eventually come to me.

What haunts me to agree with him is that Joseph's are finding bridegroom for their princess daughter. If I disagree someone else will marry her, which I CANNOT LET HAPPEN AT ANY COST!!! Now she's mine, no one can get her or laid his eyes on her.

Once I said yes, no one can stop the wedding. But what matter is that I told Susan I would say no and when I will say yes at dinner it'll be a huge Surprise for her more like a Shock, but she'll get over with it I guess.

And here it goes, I hear my intercom buzzing I pressed the receiver, it's detective I hire to get to know all things I should know about Susan.

"Welcome, Mr Brown I was expecting you, so do you have what I need?" I faced him, he is holding the folder. He's a fat man in his mid 40's with a bald head.

"Thank you, Mr Williams and to answer your question, yes, I have all you need. " Good, very, very good Miss Susan lets see how will you slip out of my fingers now.

"Come have some coffee and start with her affair skip the birth part ok." he nodded immediately.

"So Miss Susan Marie Joseph was only 16 when she started dating boy name Adrian Joh..."

There's a knock at my door, I was told it's our Shipping Department manager Adrian Johnson.

"Come in"

Adrian came in slowly with his usual dull appearance. He's good at his work.

"Good Afternoon Sir, I want your signature on these papers, so we can proceed with the final documentation and..." I took the papers and start signing them, I have already read them before.

I look up and saw him glaring at the folder that Mr Brown brought with him. His relaxed features were alarmed now. I drag my vision of what he's looking its Picture of Susan old picture of her. Like she's around 16 or some she was wearing navy blue tunic in that picture. She is looking kinda cute her hairs which were braided.

God, he's looking at the picture of my soon to be wife. I cleared my throat,  his eyes now diverted towards me.

"Adrian, isn't she beautiful? She's Susan Joseph we are getting married soon." As soon as the words left my mouth, I saw the pained expression on his face. Why is he looking at her picture like that? 

"Congratulations sir, you do have a great choice, you signed the papers?" I handed him the papers back. So, he can leave my chamber. I saw Mr Brown eyeing him suspiciously.

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