(23) Ooh, No Way GURL

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"WHAT?" Diper screeched."No way, GURL, I am OUT!"
Cass was already holding out weapons.
"DIPPER JUST SASSED! DIPPER JUST SASSED!" Mabel crowed from behind Ford.
"I am NOT battling other monsters." Dipper said, planting his feet firmly into the ground just in case Cass decided to blow him away to some other-worldly dimension.
But Cass managed to supress the ravenous look in her eyes.(A/N: Yes, thank you! I've been embedding a dictionary in my brain these days)"You know what? It's FINE. Stay here! I'll MANAGE."
"Really? That's great!!" Dipper yipped, but no one was cheering along with him."W-what's wrong?"
Mabel frowned."Dipper, we'll be stuck here forever."
Dipper scowled at Cass discontentedly and seized the weapons from her awaiting arms. "Fine. I'm going to fight. What are YOU gonna do? Blast the enemies with your oh-so-majestic magical powers?"

"Oh, dear Dipper, no!" Cass said with mock pity. But it quickly formed into a smug smile."I'm just going to watch."

Sorry for such a short chapter! My right foot has a wound on it, so I can't concentrate much. Now, if you need me, I'll be in my room.. Bandaging my wound and pouring alcohol on it.OH THE PAIN

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