(14) Betrayal is SO Not The Answer

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•~Cass's POV~•

I woke up with a jolt, and I saw two visitors standing by the door in shock, and a girl cowering in the corner. I recognized the old man immediately, and I wasn't liking the odds. Unfortunately, he was the only one that could help us.

My defensive instincts kicked in, and seconds later, my aura was back.

The boy with the blue hat backed away."W-what are you.."
The man instantly reached under his coat.
"Are you the author of the journals?" I hissed.
"Y-you know about the journals!" The man I've come to know as Ford stuttered,"H-have you seen the journal with a number 3 in it? In fact, I've been looking for all of my three journals."
"I stole the first two," I muttered,"The last one is with Bill's son."
"Why you little--"
"It wasn't my fault!" I said,"I had no choice! Will.. He-he forced me to, even if I wouldn't be able to make it out alive."
"She-she has an acceptable reason, Great Uncle Ford," The younger boy admitted, then gave me a small smile."I'm Dipper Pines. The girl there is my twin, Mabel. And you must be..?"
I shook my head."I can't tell you. It's way too dangerous. But I disguise myself as Cass."
"Hey, Cass." He said, holding out his hand for me to shake it.

I shook his hand, and let out an electric current through it, making him jump.
"OW!" He said."You-you're not normal, are you?"
"Far from normal," Kiera muttered.
"Fine," Ford said,"Then I guess I'll be needing this journals back. And also, you have some explaining to do."

Kiera and I took turns explaining the whole thing. About Caesar Hampton being the chosen one of Bill, me being the chosen one of Will (though Ford didn't take it so easily), about Kiera being binded to the journal, and while I was talking, I had only one thing in mind: I might betray them.

The Son Of The Ciphers [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن