Chapter 4

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Okay, so I MAY have added a cliffhanger at the last chapter. So what? What's a good story without one, eh? Am I right or am I right? Hehe, just kidding. On with the story now, right? SCREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Keira's POV

I lurched backwards, grabbing onto my dresser. My surroundings turned grey, and the color was sapped from my skin. Cass was already in a completely different attire: (look up Reverse Pines Mabel attire in Google). Her eyes were glowing a VERY deadly shade of bright blue. She looked amused, judging from the look on her face.

"Ah, humans," She rambled, "I was once like you."
"You!!" I screamed,"What-what ARE you??"
"I am Will Cipher's chosen," she proudly said, though I had no idea of what that meant.
I threw my lamp at her, but she easily flicked it away with her shinig blue aura.

"Oh, come on, Kiera," She mocked,"why the lamp? You could do so much better than that."
"L-like what??"
"You could use the journal."

I stopped myself from screaming. Sweat trickled down the side of my forehead, and my insides felt like they were being twisted and torn apart. I never told anyone about the journal. Not even my best friend. How could SHE, of all PEOPLE, know about it????

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I lied.
Cass put her finger at the side of her forehead, and closed her eyes, focusing. Then, she opened them again and smiled."You're lying."
"That does it!" I screamed,"What do you WANT??"
"I want the JOURNAL."

I saw the hunger in her eyes. The Cass I knew never wanted anything this badly, so I thought the journal was worth more than it looked like.

"No," I said,"Not until you tell me what's going on."
Cass thought of the question for a moment. "Fine. I'll tell you what's going on."
"T-tell me now."
"How about.. a deal?" She said, smiling. Then she held out her hand and opened it, and a flickery image ofmy mom appeared. And she was tied up, in a cage of blue fire, wriggling and screaming."I have something you want, and you have something I want. We just.. trade."
"How about a double deal?" I asked.
Cass raised her eyebrow at me."A double deal? Hmm.. Very well."
"The first deal is your deal. The second is mine. You tell me what you want about the book so badly, then I'll give it to you. Do you.. agree?"
"Excuse me?"
"I said no."
"But you said--"
"I didn't say I agreed to the deal! I just said I wanted to know what the deal is about. And now that I know.. I don't like it. So--"
"TELL. ME." I snarled.
"Ooh, playing Ms. Angrypants now, aren't we?" She teased,"I'd like to see you handle that."
I grabbed the journal and leafed through the pages hurriedly. Cass was already inching closer, arms outstretched, ready to take it into her possession.

I found a random spell, and I immediately cast it out of desperation.

"Kasarhli Rethulum!!"
"AGH!" Cass wailed in pain.

Her image flickered for a while, and her aura flickered weakly. She looked me in the eye, glaring angrily, "we will meet again" style, and she vanished in a ray of UV light.

And then, I fainted.

Is this considered a cliffhanger?? Honestly, I don't know. Hahahahaha

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